rchangel Raphael – The Healer of physical ailments.
This amazing Archangel has taken on the healing of humanity on all levels. But especially the healing of bodies, of all living creatures. Archangel Raphael appears as a deep royal blue energy (this color is associated with the 6th chakra located on the forehead, between the eyebrows).
He appears in human form, dressed in white, with wings and hands held at chest level. Facing outwards to bring healing and with an amazing blue aura. Sometimes it appears in the form of a wolf or a deer.
With the symbol of the deer:
Archangel Raphael can also appear in the form of a deer, as a sign of reassurance. And as a reminder to you, be kind to yourself and others as you go through the healing process. Call on Archangel Raphael when you or those you love need healing of physical trauma.