Astro Calendar for June 2024

Hello all,

We are almost at the end of May and a new calendar month is upon us. therefore, I have shared the Astro calendar for June.

How to use the Calendar

Each colour represents a different planet, which can be seen down the left hand side, and I have tried to make it easy as possible to follow.

Signs and Houses

Look at the sign that each planet is in.
On your birth chart look at the house in those signs as these will indicate areas that will be influenced by each sign.

E.g. Venus is in Cancer on June 17th. On my birth chart Cancer rules my 2nd house. Therefore Venus will impact areas ruled by my 2nd house such as money, values and the need for stability.

Put it together:
(Planet) is transiting (sign) just now. It is the ruler of my (house number) house. This means that I should aim to bring (planet energies) to my (life areas from house). I can do this by (sign traits).

Venus is transiting Cancer. It is the ruler of my 2nd house. This means that I should aim to bring love, pleasure and beauty to my sense of values, desire for stability and material desires. I can do this by creating a pleasing and comfortable home environment, providing for my loved ones and finding comfort in family heirlooms or looking at family photos.

This method can be used for all of the transiting planets.

When the Sun enters a new sign, it marks the beginning of a new astrological season.

Daily Rulers

Also look at the planet that rules each day. These are shown across the top.

For example, June 1st is a Saturday, which is ruled by Saturn. This makes it a great day for setting boundaries, working with discipline and solving problems.

Saturn would be transiting my 10th house on that date so it would be good for career matters and setting/working towards goals.


Look at the current Moon phase as it can indicate whether to work on things (waxing) or tie things up (waning).The Moons current sign can give an idea of the general “mood” of the day.


When it comes to aspects, they can be split into categories

Positive: trine and sextile. The 2 planets involved want to work together and bring opportunity. E.g. Mercury sextile Mars on June 21st could bring quick thinking and excellent communication (Mercury) in areas you are passionate about (Mars).

Negative: square and opposition. The 2 planets are working against each other. This requires conflict resolution. Eg Mercury square Saturn on June 12th could bring abrupt communication or difficulties(Mercury) stemming from a need to stick to the rules or from established boundaries (Saturn).

Neutral: conjunction. This very much depends on the planets involved. They merge and become 1. Some do this better than others (Saturn, Uranus and Pluto can be tricky). E.g. The Sun conjunct Venus on May 12th can bring love, beauty and sensuality, but also overindulgence and materialism.

Times shown are UK times do will have to be recalculated for your own location. This may change fhe date of events depending on time differences.

I will post each months calendar a few days before it begins.

Feel free to print out and use as you wish. You may have to download it to see it clearly.

I hope you find this useful and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask here or send me a message.

Blessed Be



Thank you! I save these calendars in my photos on my phone so I can look at it daily. Appreciate you doing these for us. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Thank you :blush::purple_heart::people_hugging:


Thank you so much


What a lovely gift to welcome in the new month! Thank you so much for crafting and sharing the Astro Calendar for June, Alan - it’s a blessing to have! :pray: :blush:

Here’s to hoping June will be a good month for all of us - so mote it be! :milky_way: :spiral_calendar: :sparkles:


Hi Alan. Thank you so much for June’s Astro Calander! I hope my printers ink shows up on Monday. I print so much (I love to reference back to my hard copies) that I am constantly buying them. Thanks again, Blessed Be …



No problem. I am working on a page a day astro calendar/diary that I am aiming to publish on amazon before the end og the year.


That sounds awesome! :star_struck: :open_book: :sparkles:


Thank you. Im not sure if a page a day is too ambitious (and big) but im going for it :see_no_evil:


Good for you! :partying_face:

I think it’s fine to jump in with big plans - if, as you go, it becomes too much for each day, you can adjust. It’s always easier to trim back than to add extra further in the project.

Whatever you decide to do, I know it’ll be amazing - your projects always are! Good luck and have fun with it, Alan! :grinning: :+1: :heart: