Astrological New Year March 20

That’s a very cool thought! Thank you for the information @Abs53!


Omg yes!!! I went through a really bleak period when I was like 28 where I just completely lost my way.

I was overlooked for a promotion that I genuinely (still to this day, in fact!) believe I throughly earned. It really f***ing hurt me. It’s too long and boring to get into but a lot of toxic things were going on that I didn’t really notice at the time. Anyway, later that night I had a dream - the next morning I couldn’t remember much detail but I remembered walking and there being a fork in the road ahead. After I woke up I just knew it was a sign to take a different path.

I handed in my notice the next day and then kinda bounced around a couple of jobs. Still not convinced of what I wanted to do.

I was made redundant last year during the pandemic and took it as a sign the universe was trying to kick my butt a bit - it was like “look mate we established what we don’t want, I gave you some time to flit around, but now you really need to work out what we do want!” :joy:

I think I even posted on here about my job search and wanting a change - I dabbled with the idea of working in the media, in design, with victims of domestic abuse, criminology but ultimately decided I want to run my own business making and selling cosmetology.

It took a while to get here but it just feels right. This is what I love doing - why not do it for a living then? I’m working on this now :grinning:

Anyway, when I started looking into Astrology I learnt about Saturn retrograde and looked up when mine was - it began when I was overlooked for that promotion. Magick :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::heart:


What a journey you’ve had, @Abs53- I’m glad you’ve been following the signs and they have led you to a place that finally feels right! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are very strong- I’m cheering on both you and your cosmetic business! :sparkles: May the stars above continue to light your way :star2:


These astrology insights are from the past- but no worries! You can browse Astrology Posts or Astrological Forecasts to find the current news for the skies this week.