Astrology of the Body - Aries Season

Disclaimer: Astrology should never be used as an alternative to professional medical advice. Always seek a medical professional if you are concerned about your health.

Hi everyone,

With a new astrological year underway, I have decided to do some posts to introduce the idea of medical astrology. I will post an article linked to each sign as the new season commences so that, by the end of they year, we will have a complete set.

What is Medical Astrology?

Medical astrology works on the premise that the planets answer signs rule different parts of the body.Throughout history, astrology has been used as a means of trying to make sense of our world. It was believed (and still is by people today) that the Sun, Moon and planets could influence people’s lives, bodies and health. It was common among many civilisations and religions to believe that the Solar System was a reflection of God and that there was an interconnectedness between everything.

Medical Astrology dates back to at least 400BC, where there is evidence that healers were linking the zodiac signs to body parts. It may have been started in Ancient Egypt, as they were known for their love of the stars. Jewish Kabbalistic teaching also describes the human body as a reflection of the Solar System. The Greeks were proficient in both astrology and medical science, and recorded many thoughts on the link between the stars and the human body.Jewish doctors had a role in spreading the knowledge of medical astrology across Europe and the Middle East. Their ideas were adopted by others, including those who worked for the rulers of the day. Working for rulers normally meant that the medical astrology information was recorded in books and thus, was shared further.

In Medieval Europe medical astrology was incorporated alongside the files of the elements and humours. By the 17th Century, there was a shift from the idea that God and other forces were influencing us to one that unknown particles and elements were responsible; natural forces, not unnatural ones. One major area of interest was how the Sun and Moon, particularly their gravitational effects, affected the fluids of the human body.

By the 19th century, medical astrology and new scientific ideas began to conflict with each other. Medical astrology was dropped from mainstream medical education. However, some alternative/complimentary practitioners continued to implement it. This continues today.

Aries and the Body
Aries rules the head, brain and eyes. This includes all of the bones and muscles of the skull and face. Aries also rules the upper jaw, our upper teeth and the adrenal glands. These are the parts of the body that help us to perceive the world around us. The fast reactions of the nerve impulses from the brain match Aries’ impulsive and reactive nature. Aries is ruled by Mars, bringing energy and action. Aries season is the perfect time for new fitness routines or increasing activity levels.

How the Season Affects the Signs
Aries: high energy levels but possible burnout. They may be more prone to headaches, stress and injury. It is important that they pace themselves and don’t skip warm ups and cools downs during exercise!

Taurus: Taurus does not like the fast paced Aries energy and therefore, may find it difficult to keep up. This could be a sluggish period filled with tension and stiffness due to lack of movement. Gentle moves and Stretches are needed for flexibility.

Gemini: This season stimulates the mind, brining mental.sharpness to Gemini, but also anxiety from overthinking. Watch out for nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Practice deep breathing and reduce screen time.

Cancer: the aggressive energy of Aries can overwhelm a Cancer, leading to digestive issues, acid reflux and emotional stress. Emotional self care and cooling foods are needed.

Leo: This season fuels Leo as both signs are fire. This provides Leo with an energy boost. Just don’t overdo it and keep an eye on blood pressure. Stay hydrated and remember to rest!

Virgo: the speed of the season can overstimulate Virgos nervous system. This could lead to increased stress and digestive issues. Herbal teas and grounding techniques may be needed.

Libra: there is a sense of inner tension as Aries and Libra are polar opposites. This may manifest in lower back pain or urinary issues. Maintain balance through gentle stretching, relaxation and drinking plenty of water.

Scorpio: the energy of the season can strengthen Scorpios intensity, making them more driven and physically strong. Beware of fever or inflammation if pushing too hard. Rest days and anti inflammatory foods are important this season.

Sagittarius: this season exites Sagittarius already adventurous spirit, meaning more movement. Overexerting may lead to muscle injuries or issues in the hips or thighs. Stretches and proper warm ups are essential before exercise.

Capricorn: The energy of the season clashes with Capricorn’s need for structure, leading to stress and muscle tightness. There may be back, knee or joint pain. Therefore mobility exercises and relaxation techniques are needed.

Aquarius: Aries energy stimulates the Aquarian mind but this can lead to restlessness and scatteredness. There may be nerve tension, leg cramps and circulation issues. Ensure that there is lots of movement and plenty of water to avoid stagnation anxiety improve circulation.

Pisces: This season is too fast and intense for Pisces. There may be a sense of overwhelm, fatigue and dips in the immune system. Watch out for foot pain too. Get plenty of sleep and emotional self care.

Headaches this Season
Aries of course are the most prone to headaches this season. Watch out for stress headaches, sinus pressure and head bumps.Capricorn holds a lot of body tension, especially in the neck area, which could lead to headaches. Virgo may experience headaches from overthinking due to the energy influx of the season.

Taurus are more grounded, even this season so are not as affected by the speedy energy and it’s li k to headaches. Cancer and Pisces are likely to feel more emotionally drained than experiencing headaches this season.

Avoid Aries Season headaches by drinking plenty of water and eating cooling foods like cucumber, Chamomile tea and leafy greens. Practice deep breathing, stretching or colling facial massages. Limit caffeine and spices this season.

Planetary Focus: Mars

Mars is the ruling planet of this season. In terms of the body, Mars controls our metabolism, our fight or flight responses, inflammation and immune responses. It also rules sexual function, moves our muscles and keeps us alert.

If your body is Mars deficient, you may experience exhaustion, low drive, low blood pressure muscle weakness, low immunity or passive aggressive behaviours. Feed the Mars fire with iron, protein and Vitamin B12. Avoid high intensity exercise and opt instead for gentle walks, yoga moderate resistance training.

If your body is Mars Excessive, you may experience more cuts, burns and bruises. You may be stung or bitten more by insects or be more prone to accidents. Excessive Mars also brings rashes, high blood pressure, headaches, fever and dehydration. Avoid or limit alcohol, caffeine, spices such as cayenne and sugar. Use ginger and turmeric, and opt for plant foods, as well as lean meats such as chicken. Opt for repeatable, high quality exercise with approriare worm and rest, but avoid HIIT.


The idea of things being interconnected resonates with many magickal practices and paths. While some of the older theories of medical astrology may have been replaced with modern medicine, I think the concept of everything being connected is one worth continuing to study and consider.

I love the Astrology of the Body diagram! It’s neat to see which parts of the body correspond with which Zodiac sign in medical astrology.

Noted! We’re barely a week into Aries season and it has already come with sharp highs and quick lows - the advice about making time to balance the fast-paced energy with rest days is appreciated.

Thank you for this for wonderful piece - it was fascinating to read! :grinning_face: :star2:


I’m seconding this :raised_hand: from another Scorpio Sun :sweat_smile:

This is such an interesting post, @Cosmic_Curiosity – I knew that there were astrological links between the signs and the body, but I’ve never been too familiar with them. The website I use to look at moon phases even lists information about connected body systems and surgeries! I may have to pay closer attention to this and see how it affects me.

Thanks for sharing this!


I won’t lie. I often get overwhelmed when I see a large amount of text on a topic I’m not super knowledgeable about, and I put it on a To Do Later list. :roll_eyes: BUT I decided, I need the distraction from the news and personal loss, so I started reading your post from the beginning.

I was gobsmacked (yep that’s the word that popped into my head when I read this:

Continuing my honest admissions, I read that and said out loud “Duuuuuuuude…” :exploding_head:

Fine, fine, fine - I’m heeding the advice and getting outside right now to go for a run and enjoy the spring weather.

Thank you so much for this unexpectedly personally-helpful post at the right moment! :folded_hands:

(Picture will be posted after the run for accountability)
Best I could do. Forgot to get one till I was home

Accountability Picture


I am glad you enjoyed the post. It is a very different side to astrology but a very interesting one at that. I am currently doing a medical astrology herbalism course and it is fascinating. I will post another when Taurus season begins

Blessed be



Thank you. This is interesting. It actually fits with my yearly patterns. I’m looking forward to further posts!