Aura & Energy Scanning Thread

I wouldn’t say it’s fear or pain for me, but my situation is not a typical one & over the years things kind of got meshed together unintentionally so I’m honestly still figuring out what is what now… but one mixed with the other & it became a continual series of blurred lines & just blocking any & everything :laughing:


I kind of agree with the sentiment that shielding is resisting as you are putting up a “wall” to external energy, but I don’t think it continues the cycles of pain/fear. For me, shielding is a way for me to protect my energy. As someone who has illnesses that cause me to have to “count spoons” every day, being able to protect my energy is my number one priority. There are some days I can handle more, others none at all.

As I mentioned above, you can enhance your shield in many ways. One of the ways I do this is to create a filter on my shield - I allow certain types of energy through. This is my “standard” shield that I use most days; it keeps negative/unwanted energy away but allows energy that serves my higher good thorough. If I’m having a particular frisky day, I may not shield at all.

As I’m growing my powers (claris and empath), I tweak how I protect myself from what I don’t want. Today, I’m sitting at home, unshielded, with smoky quartz and obsidian on me for my protection. Tonight, I might veil or shield when I go around my group of friends, depending on how much energy was zapped during my work day.


I love :heart: @MeganB thank you :people_hugging:


Yeah, I think yours is a complicated mesh of many different things. The reference to fear and pain was something the article said. But I say yes to blocking anything and everything that you don’t want :joy:

You’re welcome! :heart: And it’s 100% true :clap: :raised_hands:


I agree with you @MeganB - the post was a link that was in someone else’s post that I was reading and wanted feedback on it since I use shielding nearly exclusively. I am interested in the content however and how to let the waves hit me and roll off of me without absorbing them all the time - wouldn’t I love to be able to do that! Alas, I am not, but I will think more on this and see if I can do some of it and combine it with my shielding. Shielding has served me well but there are times I get caught off guard and those times are typically a BFD (big effing deal).

Thanks for your input!!:white_heart::yellow_heart:


I’m sure you could play around with @Amaris_Bane’s technique for creating an energy filter. I believe there’s also a method for that in Psychic Witch… :thinking: let me run and check :bulb:

I was right! Here are a few different methods you might find helpful. These also come from Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn :blush:

Exercise 8 - The Psychic Dimmer

One of the most challenging obstacles for the sensitive person is learning how to control the constant input of information and even mute it at times. Taking on the energy of others is draining and leaves us susceptible and vulnerable. Part of mastering the self and psychic senses is learning how to create boundaries and figuring out what is yours and what is from others. The following is a super handy technique used to take control of the situation energetically. This can also be used if the psychic information you’re receiving is too quiet and you want to increase it, or if you’re doing meditation, psychic work, or energy work and the external energy is too invasive or “loud” and you’re having trouble relaxing and concentrating. This is a technique that I learned from Irma Kaye Sawyer that I’ve adapted.

Begin by taking a few deep relaxing breaths. Envision a light dimmer switch before you. This light dimmer switch increases or decreases psychic sight and volume. Just like a dimmer switch or a volume knob, if you turn the knob to the right, the information increases, and if you set the knob to the left, the information decreases. Affirm this mentally to yourself. Take a moment and discern whether you feel you perceive energy too much or too little. With intent, turn the knob in the appropriate direction, willing the energy bombardment to increase or decrease.

Another variation of this technique is to see a faucet above you filling your aura with psychic information. Just like the dimmer, see a faucet handle before you. Affirm to yourself that this faucet can increase or decrease the flow of psychic information filling your auric field. Take a moment to discern whether you feel you perceive too much or too little psychic information. With intent, turn the faucet handle in the appropriate direction, willing the energy bombardment to increase or decrease.

The Breath of Life

Breath is the bridge between the energies of the external world and the energies of your internal world. Breathing unites the internal and the external, creating a connection and circuit of energy flow. The word “spirit” comes from the Latin word for breath, which is spiritus, and was often used figuratively to refer to the spirit. The idea that breath itself is life force has parallels in various cultures, where it is known as prana, ruach, mana, telesma, chi, ki, numen, orgone, pneuma, od, and odic force.⁹ By working with our breath, we are working directly with lifeforce energy. Certain types of breathwork can cool down and relax the body and mind, while others can warm up and excite the body and mind, by changing the speed of the body’s rhythms.

Conscious breathing can help cultivate a deep-rooted connection with and enjoyment of life. By working with our breath, we can achieve more advanced states of meditation and consciousness. Since breathing is something so subtle and usually automatic, by tuning in to it we can strengthen our mind’s ability for concentrating and perceiving things that are of a subtler nature.

Exercise 43 - Foundational Shielding and Protection

Now that we know how to cleanse our energy, this is the perfect time to learn how to shield ourselves. With shielding you want to feel completely secure and confident. We will explore a foundational practice of shielding and different ways to alter that shield to be appropriate for what you’re doing. Sometimes you’ll want a shield that completely stops the flow of any energy coming in and out, but this can also completely mute psychic perception. At other times you’ll just want to filter out energy that is aggressive or negative, and this is usually my go-to when it comes to shielding. Figuring out which type of shield you need takes discernment, so trust your intuition. This foundational shielding should be a daily shielding practice; how you enhance it is up to your circumstances.

Tune in. Envision a brilliant white light a few feet above you. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit above me.”

See it begin to descend as a column of light around your body, down to a few feet below you. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit below me.”

The light comes up from below you and rises a few feet in front of you at chest level. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit before me.”

See the light meet the point above your head where it started, where it then descends a few feet behind you at chest level. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit behind me.”

The light moves counterclockwise until it is a few feet on your right. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit on my right side.”

The light continues to move counterclockwise until it is a few feet on your left. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit on my left side.”

It continues its counterclockwise movement until it reaches the point behind you again.

See all six points glow around you. The light begins to shine so brightly it forms a bubble around you. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit around me.”

Visualize the glowing filling your body as if you were an empty vessel. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit within me.”

Take a few moments to feel this light above, below, before, behind, on your right, on your left, outside, and within you. Then verbally or mentally affirm:

*“Spirit protects me. Spirit blesses me. Spirit heals me. Spirit guides me. *
I am, I always have been, and I always will be One with Spirit.”

Exercise 44 - The Filter Shield

Perform the Foundational Shielding and Protection exercise. Take a moment to feel the white light all around you, strong and vibrant. Envision a silver filter forming around the outside of your aura. Visualize it like a mesh strainer made of pure silver light. You can let go of the imagery of the silver filter knowing that it’s still there doing its job. Now repeat this process with a golden filter. Know that it will prevent negative energies from entering and allow energies that are positive to come through. You are not cut off from all the energies around you, but they will be filtered before they reach you and your energy field. State out loud or mentally:

“By lunar and solar
Opposites and polar
Energies that harm and wilter
Cannot pass my magick filter.”

I’ve not personally used these methods yet but I’ll be trying them eventually! I did make it through several of the beginning exercises and they’re pretty solid!


Thanks @MeganB and @Amaris_Bane I will try these out once I venture outside of my bubble again for practice!!! :green_heart:


This is the filter I use!! I also use the dimmer.


There’s a booklet to the cards & I use it.

Thank you for your sobering feedback.
Before charging for my services I’d like to make
A name for myself on the forums.

Besides I’m not here long, so I’d also like to get more time under my belt.


@jan_TheGreenWitch – You’re welcome! I hope that they help you when you do :blush:

@Amaris_Bane – I thought they might be!



This is such great information, thank you so much! When I read the information about spirit coming from the Latin word for breath, everything just clicked! This makes perfect sense to me! I studied Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons which included breathing exercises, and now, after all these years, I understand why.

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


I’m glad it’s helpful! :heart: I’ve never heard of Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons. I’ll have to look at those :raised_hands: I’m glad things just clicked for you all of a sudden! Hopefully that provides much needed context and help for future breathwork!


@john.knox After I was sick for so long and now chemo is tomorrow (Wednesday) I wandered if you could read me again - I know I still owe you a few things - I’m getting there :). Thanks for your patience.

Let me know what you see, thank you!


Sure thing. Wish you success.

See water & a waterfall. The colour of the waters is deep blue & they’re very calm.

There’s a pair of white swans in an embrace.

I see a black mist gathering in the horizon slowly creeping in closer…

Your journey is a journey of matter: you should learn yoga massage, a physical per suit with a physical component to help cope with the disease.


You should also take up solely physical activities: jogging, hiking etc to improve your immune system


@john.knox Thank you for the reading.

The black mist is scary and I have felt it too. Not sure if there’s a corresponding reaction to this but it is quite intimidating.

Physical exercise and movement is something near and dear to me as I try to walk each day, hike occasionally and have a home gym decked out with treadmill, ballet bar, yoga studio area and water rower (thank you covid). When I am able I have a gym routine and do run and fast walk either outdoors or indoor depending on the weather here, we are higher altitude in a very cold area so much of the year is not conducive to outdoor running, just walking and hiking (carefully). Unfortunately my treatment has me off balance and I fall quite frequently even going down stairs or other mundane tasks, so my doctor has limited my activities, but I get in yoga, barre, walking, etc.

Now yoga massage is something I haven’t found close to me - none of the studios or private yogis offer it, at least right now, but you are right, that would be most helpful. I even used to have a membership to stretch lab before I moved here but there are no facilities around here.

Thank you for the reading, I believe it is reinforcing the need for movement in my healing and to keep at it even when I feel like giving up. I am quite concerned about that black mist, however.


Is there someone else besides @Susurrus who can give me a reading?

I’ve been going through many changes & would like to test them…

Have a great weekend everyone…


I’m just going to write word spells here:

Rise up darkness and sweep up light
For the light blinds
For the light shines not for me

Rise up Mammon,
The mighty dollar,
Walk upon the Earth
& shake her up to Rise as well.

Wonders you can do.
Miracles you can do.

If you’re not supported by $
What can you?
But a few things.

Rise up Sael,
The mighty credit god.
For you can give & take
Away grace.

What are you without a credit card

Everything is simple
Everything is complicated.

It’s all contradictory,
Because for manifestation
You need the Earth for
Inspiration you need the skies.

But who’s the one here that lies?


I like this poem :blush: I know you said it’s a word spell. Do you use it like a chant or in a similar way?


Yes I use my poems as chants. So it does help me.