Banishing a Bad Habit Using Witchcraft - don't forget the mundane!

When it comes to banishing bad habits, there are a few things that a witchcraft spell can do. Whether it’s quitting smoking, breaking an unhealthy eating habit, or getting rid of a destructive behavior, these spells can help you get rid of what’s dragging you down.

One of the most important things to remember when casting a spell to banish a bad habit is to focus on your intention.

What do you want to achieve? What is your end goal?

Keep this in mind as you gather your ingredients and prepare to cast your spell.

There are a few different ways to go about banishing bad habits with witchcraft.

One popular method is to create a spell jar. To do this, you’ll need a glass jar, some iron nails, and black salt. Fill the jar with black salt, then add the nails. As you do so, envision your bad habit being banished from your life. Seal the jar and keep it in a safe place but hidden from the sight of others.

Another method is to write your bad habit on a piece of paper, then burn it. As the paper burns, visualize your habit going up in smoke and out of your life. You can also add some herbs to the fire to help amplify the spell, such as sage or lavender. You can also do this spell during a full moon to give it an added boost of powerful energy.

No matter what method you choose, remember to stay focused on your intention. A little bit of positive visualization can go a long way in banishing bad habits for good…and remember you must do the mundane things as well…so if you’re trying to banish bad eating habits - do not buy junk food. If it’s not in the house - you won’t eat it!

Blessed be.


Sage wisdom- it’s true! I just need more self-control at the supermarket :laughing:

Thank you for these bad habit breaking tips, Silverbear! :pray: :heart:


Me: But X is on sale! And Y has a “buy three and it’s 30% off” deal! And we can have X without Z…

:joy: I’m the worst.

My partner does an interesting visualisation kind of thing. They kind of make a mental poppet of someone who does the thing that they don’t want to do. Then, whenever they consider doing that thing, the mental poppet pops up in their minds, and they are put off doing it.


Me standing in the frozen food isle trying to calculate how many tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream I can buy before the buy 3, get one free deal plus $3 off $15 worth of Ben & Jerry’s coupon kicks in


(Sure wish all math was as easy as @Cosmic_Curiosity makes Numerology :joy:)

That’s a really interesting visualization technique! I don’t use poppets much, but this opens the door to a lot of possibilities. I can see how it would be helpful! :sparkles: