Barnes and Noble find

My stepmom found these two books at Barnes and Nobles yesterday and I just had to share. These two are for beginners and I absolutely love them already. They have so many activities and information in them, and cover all the basics of meditation and the craft. I highly recommend for any beginner, especially the meditation journal. I struggle with meditating and I feel this is going to help me a lot. It has many different meditations techniques that I had no idea about. Thought I would share with you all!!


Great finds, @brandy20- your stepmom has a sharp eye for treasures! :grinning: :sparkles:

Journals seem to be really popular these days, I’ve been seeing a lot of fun ones around. It’s nice to have the option as they can be really helpful for witches at all stages in their journeys! :open_book: :blush:

I hope you continue to enjoy them both and that the meditation journal in particular is helpful for your meditation practice! Good luck and enjoy your lovely new books :heart::books:

Blessed be!


Cool beans! What a great find!


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