Big Hug full of appreciation and good bye!

I hope you have had a nice few days so far today and that you continue like this until the close of 2023! :heart_decoration:
And of course to expand in 2024!! :sparkles::star2::sparkles:

Here I go…

My studies have been a priority and my spirit guides have made it very clear to me, first I must study and finish.

I tried to be aware of this beautiful forum, to interact more, to offer more, to give more, or at least to be able to read you frequently, because you are always writing ideas, messages, poetry, etc. from the heart.

I tried, I reaaaally tried to run my store at the same time to create a cash inflow; but again, that was not the right time either.

So yes, this is a farewell, because I prefer to be realistic and say goodbye in time to all of you here on the forum, rather than disappear like an ungrateful fog.

Thank you for this precious year!!!
For the opportunity to experience being with you with so much learning, dear “Spells8 Coven”!!!

I hope that in the coming year, we will meet to make art, sing, make music, color together, dance and choreograph to the rhythm of the music to smile and laugh a lot, just for the pleasure of enjoying, recording us dancing and make other people smile so that we share joy. And yes, that’s me daydreaming and being “bold” with my dreams because dreaming is free.

If not, we’ll see each other on social networks, and if you don’t have social networks because you don’t like them or they overwhelm you, then maybe it will cause you to stop by and visit me in my virtual Cafeteria.

A very tight round, and chubby hug like my drawings, and also full of indigo stardust.

THANK YOU !!! :ribbon::heart_decoration::ribbon:

With all my love,

Ceci, the graphite witch

A message for sensitive souls:


@GraphiteWitch dear bright soul, what a beautiful farewell! I would like it to be just a greeting and that you are here in the company of the family of witches and in 2024 I send you a big warm hug! I wish you the best and the brightest in your life!


We’re sorry to see you go! I hope that the years ahead are kind enough to bring you back to us someday!


@GraphiteWitch I’m so sorry to see you go :frowning: I understand. Don’t forget you can still interact :blush: but in a limited capacity! I hope you benefited from your time here and that circumstances and the Gods allow you to come back to us! I wish you well in all your endeavors! :pray::heart::blush: You will be with us in spirit! :people_hugging::hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Full respect to you, @GraphiteWitch - it sounds like you have put a lot of thought and care into organizing your priorities and are going full steam ahead with your studies! We will miss you, but are wishing you all the best on your path. Know that the door here remains open for you- feel free to come back when the time is right and things align! :heart: :blush:

Much love and many blessings to you, @GraphiteWitch - may your new year be full of success and positivity! :sparkles: Blessed be!


That sounds so lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I wish you beautiful moments of connection, playful and kind-hearted company, and hours of good fun :blush: :revolving_hearts:

Until we meet again :hugs: :sparkling_heart:


I wish you all the magical best. Hopefully see you again. May the gods shine on you. :green_heart:


I wish you the very best with your studies, Ceci. Perhaps our paths will cross again someday… :people_hugging:
With love :heart: always


I’m sad to see you go, but I understand why you need to :heart: We will be here cheering you on!


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