Black Moon Lilith in Your Natal Chart - Weekly Witchy Challenge

Warm greetings from yet another Scorpio Sun (who also grew up in MA- such a coincidence! :grin:) :heart:

While there are plenty of spells that help folks move along the road of self-acceptance, accepting oneself is something that tends to take a lot of dedication over a long period of time.

In addition to using daily affirmations (@Christina4 posts new beautiful ones here in the forum every day!), I’d recommend carrying a rose quartz crystal (promotes self love), and perhaps trying this See Myself Oil.

I’m a huge supporter of self love work, so I highly recommend looking into self love spells! The Self-Love & Appreciation Spell is a personal favorite of mine.

Your Lilith in Pisces has pointed a direction forward for you, Nana- I’m wishing you all the best on your path towards self-acceptance! :pisces: :pray::heart: