Blue Moon šŸ”µ

Absolutely stunning @jamie1 thats the picture I was hoping to capture for everyone. Beautiful job your a great photographer :full_moon:


Beautiful moon pics @starborn, @Shadeweaver, @wendy, and @jamie1- she is so beautiful! :full_moon_with_face: :heart_eyes:

Hope everyone has/is having a lovely full moon! I went out last night and there were too many clouds- I couldnā€™t see the moon at all :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Luckily, like Megan said, the moon will still be 98-99% full tonight. Hopefully, skies depending, Iā€™ll be able to catch a glimpse!

Until then, absolutely loving everyoneā€™s moon pics- thanks for sharing! :blue_heart:


That looks great, @Shadeweaver! The clouds make it look mysterious.

Wow, the moon is framed by the trees. Nice! And congratulations on your first ritual!

And great photos @jamie1! They look professional!


Fabulous pictures everyone, thankyou for sharing them. I couldnā€™t see it last night but the energy was beautiful :sparkling_heart:


You absolutely can! And it sounds like you had an amazing ritual :blue_heart: with your substitutions and everything! Iā€™m glad you followed your intuition and had a great Full Moon celebration!

Iā€™m curious, too! :blush: I relate, though lol I get scared if I hear someone coming even inside my own house! Iā€™m very private about my spellwork and rituals, mainly because Iā€™ve always felt like the strange one, ya know? Anway, Iā€™m glad you got to charge your crystals and perform your ritual! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And yes, Iā€™m safe over here! :pray: Thank you!

Iā€™m glad you still got your meditation and crystals taken care of :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I know itā€™s a bummer when you canā€™t see the moon, but remember - sheā€™s still there, even if you canā€™t see her.


That sounds super relaxing!


Did you notice everybody is going totally nuts after the Blue Moon?.. IDK, maybe itā€™s only around me, but people are all of a sudden super stressed, screaming at each other and driving like freaksā€¦ o_O


Is that the moon? Iā€™ve been wondering whatā€™s been giving me this Kali-like rage today, it would scare me if I wasnā€™t used to this energyā€¦ :fire: Trying my very best not to blow up at my loved ones, theyā€™re innocent even if some things they say or do really make my cauldron bubble.


not sure, but that was my first guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Awww, fair enough! :smile_cat: I feel itā€™s a good guess! :blush:

I wonder if the Moon gave anyone strange dreams? It definitely did for meā€¦ traveling through the outer space in colony ships with the rest of the humanity, having tea with a dragon in their own lair while they were eyeing the large crystal I was carrying with me, reassuring my father who had grown an elephantā€™s trunk in his face because of some gene therapies he had neededā€¦ :joy: :sparkling_heart:


O M G I thought that was only my dreams :smiley: Full moon brought totally wicked ones. Happy Iā€™m not the only one going through it :slight_smile:


Stunning :heart_eyes:


Lol I thought this was a funny meme :joy: Iā€™ve seen so many beautiful moons this summer for them to come out looking like the sun finally I watched some utube videos on how to do it :full_moon:


This is exactly how I feel about my phone- although Iā€™d be lucky to get the picture on the right! Usually my phone makes the moon look like a light reflection or, at best, a street lamp :joy:

Ohhhhh thatā€™s very smart! Good luck and have fun with your photography, Crystal! :blush: :crescent_moon: :camera_flash:


Yes!!! I get so frustrated that I cannot take pictures that look the same as I see. Whether it is the moon or a sunrise/sunset, they never do the real version justice.


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