Building a basic Virtual Altar to Call the Quarters

The teacher in me wanted to create a tutorial for you.

Here is one way you can use the virtual altar to “Call the Quarters”.
(I have included the printable “Calling in the Quarters” with my virtual altar screenshots.)
Step 1: Locate your 4 main directions. (I recommend you use the compass on your phone.)
Step 2: Light your Incense to purify your space and ring your bell to begin your rite (or perhaps ring the bell after you have called in all 4 elements).

Step 3: Set your athame to the East

Step 4: Set your **candle ** in the South. (You can select a color to match your intention or for the ritual of the day.) You can even “carve” your candle with a symbol.

Step 5: Set your goblet in the West. (You can fill it with water or wine.)

Step 6: Set your Pentacle to the North.

Select the crystal that matches your intentions and place it on the pentacle to energize it.

Step 7: You could invoke the elements as you place each tool or you could go back around at this point and invoke each element.
Step 8: Use the wand to cast the circle and call your guides.

If you would like, you can use the athame to draw a pentacle.

You can also burn herbs and spices in the cauldron.

After you have meditated or cast your spell, thank the Quarters and Dismiss them.
Once your circle is closed you can put things away.

When you are all done, remember to put out your candle and incense or you will end up with a “mess”.

Have fun! Here is a link for you to try it. Virtual Altar | Spells8



:+1::+1: nice I love it. The melted candle is funny :rofl:


I use to use the virtual altar all the time when I was still in the broom closet. Now that I’m out, I haven’t used it. It is a pretty awesome tool!


Here is an altar that follows Francisco’s recipe for “Calling the Quarters: Elemental Energies from the Four Corners”.


What a great tutorial! This is really helpful for those interested in both the virtual altar and calling the Quarters - the step-by-step instructions are really easy and fun to follow along with.

Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it with us, Crystal! :hugs: :heart:


I discovered today that it is possible to follow along with the “Calling the Quarters” video.


That’s awesome! Hope you had a nice ritual :candle: :blush:


I am enjoying setting up my altar and ending my ritual with the video.
Here is the link so you can follow along as well.


I am glad you are enjoying the virtual altar

Blessed be :sparkling_heart: