Calling One, Calling All- New Forum Category! πŸ”–

Warm greetings to all! :heart:

For those who may not have noticed, we have a new category here in the forums: Recommendations!

When you make a new post, this category is now available to select. You can also browse past posts in this category in the brand new Recommendations section of the forums.

Do you have a favorite crystal shop :gem: , book store specializing in witchy goodness :books: , or perhaps a much-loved herbal reseller :herb: ?

Maybe you’re a fan of an artist who makes music that inspires your spells :musical_score: , or just read an amazing book and want to share the story :open_book:, or you started a series that taught you something new about your craft :tv:.

This category is a place for recommendations of witchy things you love, and also for self-promotion!

There are many talented crafters and store owners here- please feel free to make a post about your shop (online or brick and mortar), books you have written, or products you have for sale!

May you share the things you love and inspire others, while also being inspired in turn! :sparkling_heart:

Blessed Be! :sparkles: