Can someone be Wiccan and also follow another faith?

Well put Ben @praecog29 you’ve got such a beautiful mind :grin:


Thank you that was beautifully expressed. I know that it is going to take sometime until it feel more natural combining the both into my life and practice, i get the reason i asked really, is i was not sure under what label or term i should be researching when leaning about Witchcraft. However, i have come to be quite fond of Wicca and it’s practices, so what i am going to do is add Wicca elements to my practice and go from there and see where it leads me…


And your right! It is not really more the label if i am being honest (however it is nice to know what you can be called if someone asks), it is more what should i be researching under, what title. But like i said to Ben, is that am am happy with learning about Wicca and incorporating it’s practices into my idea of Witch practices and i will go from there…


I too was baptised as a child as i was born into a Christian Anglican family and then decided Islam was right for me at the age of 15, and now i am 31, i still strongly hold this faith. The reason i had changed my religion at a young age was i felt something was missing, and even until very recently i still felt that way… I was always drawn to little things here and there that related to Witches and Wicca, however it never really clicked as i did not know that such a religion and community of Witches existed! When i landed on this by accident it was like i ran smack bang into a wall and suddenly i could connect things i was always so unsure or confused about.
Right now at this moment even with so much new information, i am exactly where i want to be :blush:


Same here, my religion frowns upon it as well, however Witches do exist but usually in forms of old men where they incorporate religion to assist people.


If you’re comfortable here and you feel like you’re in the right place then most likely you are either way we’re blessed to have you


Thank you very much!


BOOM! :boom: Beautifully said!!


Just seen this. Hello from a fellow biker!


Hi @IrisW :slight_smile:


I’ve been sitting on this question for a while and now that I finally have some time, I want to give a short answer. My thoughts based on my understanding of Wicca and other faiths is that sometimes you can be Wiccan and follow another faith. I know you’ve said you’re Muslim, and I honestly don’t know too much about the tenants of Islam and what it says about having other deities.

Wicca is a duotheistic faith system that worships two distinct deities usually referred to as the God and Goddess. If the second faith in question specifies that you cannot have any other deities then no, you would not be able to practice both faiths cohesively. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a witch and practice another faith.

It can all get a bit complicated depending on the second faith involved. For example, I know in some Christian beliefs you cannot have any other God besides the Christian God. In this sense, no, being Wiccan and Christian would not go together. However, you can be a Christian Witch.

I hope this makes sense :sweat_smile:


Believe what you believe, practice what you want to practice in support of your beliefs, and let somebody else worry about what to call it.


My friend if you have not read the life of pi you should. Not watch the movie either read the book. You might find it answers all your questions. I have been around many many faiths in my life. I hold many bits and pieces close to my heart. I have found in my mind that what I know is there is much I don’t know. I found in that book the protagonist also loved each and every one of the faiths he held close equally high in his heart. It seemed only those who only held one of the faiths that had a problem. Of course my thoughts might only be worth what they cost you as well take from it what you find of value and leave anything you don’t.


I honestly enjoy your posts and responses to other’s. So enlightening for me.

Everyone has differing views/opinions and I love that absolutely no one gets judgemental. Something I’ve obviously experienced in the past. Every time I come on here I get new insight which helps me in finding my own path. I just want to say I adore everyone here and thank you all for being awesome you! :revolving_hearts:


@anon87969570 nicely said


I can vividly remember watching the movie but haven’t read the book. I do like to read the books rather than movies however, as i feel movies tend to skip quite a bit detail


Hi there I am glad that you are asking really good questions! I believe that since you you are solitary you can do anything you want. Wiccans ushally follow many different traditions and if you are willing to follow wicca and alla well why not? Just as long as you follow the sabbats and the esbats and alla then you can do both and intertwine them both. You should make sure that the wiccan faith is for you. You can create traditions to implement for the Sabbats and Esbates. Understand that wicca uses diety and you can always bring in Alla into your rituals for more power! You need to try to align your belief’s with Wicca and the Muslim faith. You can use symbols and runes! You can also try to implement Alla into your book of shadows somehow. Try to write down your beliefs on paper and see if that can help. What feels right to you? Its good to get things down on paper and that is a good start! Most important is that you feel good spiritually and later you can worry about all the rules and other things!


@Jeannie1 Yes that is exactly how i am incorporating both faiths atm. There are powerful protection prayers in Islamic faith such as evil eye and protection from evil spirits, other peoples hex etc… I obviously believe in Allah as this was my second faith after being born into a Christianity, and most may not know but Muslim people too believe in the prophets such as Moses, Abraham, Adam and eve, Jesus etc, its just we believe in one more who is Mohammad… As for deities, i feel a strong connection with the earth goddess and her triple phases as well as the horned god. Since it is my own beliefs to me i will follow what i feel is right. In Islam it is a sin to worship statutes of such and even though i have ordered some to help me visualise the horned god and the goddess, to me i am not simply worshipping the statute, but the meaning and god and goddess behind it. To me both faiths are equally important and i do not pick and choose out of both faiths but incorporate each so they can work in harmony together for me…


I think just writing it out has already helped and it can really make you a powerful. in your spiritual path learning to trust your gut can be a real good thing in the wiccan aspect and as far as muslim faith goes staying loyal to your past is important. You already are setting your own spiritual path and makes you more unique! I studied a little bit in college in my humanities class which was a real neat experience to learn about other beliefs and cultures.
Its really great that you are following the phases since it is a half moon I was working on a money spell for prosperity! I am learning to be more consentience about where the moon and what kind of spells I can and cant do.

Yeah I think this is really good that you can compromise the statues and just look at art or something like that so you don’t offend your traditional faith! Finding out what feels good is the best thing to do. Last thing I want you to do is feel guilty, to I don’t want you to live your life feeling like you did something wrong! But remember not to be so hard on yourself about the laws! I think its great that you still can find meaning behind the god and goddess to fit your needs! That is what the craft is all about we are crafty and cunning!! LOL


Yes exactly… Beside i do not think any one exact religion is “one size fits” , and that to a certain degree everyone customises and more strongly believes in certain aspects when compared to another… I think that religion and faith is what is supposed to feel right to the individual even if that means it is a completely new and unique faith! Me growing up as a Christian, becoming Muslim at 15 and then finding about Wicca now i am 31 years old will definitely make my beliefs unique and to me that is fine… As you said it is important to respect past beliefs as well and that is what i am doing :blush: