Hi so my mother had been admitted to the hospital for the last week and her operation have been postponing due to health issue please can anyone do a tarot read for her i have not been in the right state of mind to do divination. Thank you so much
Hello @Kiash,
I’m sorry to hear about the operation being postponed - I hope your mother will be able to the procedure she needs as soon as possible
That’s very understandable given the stress of the situation. I apologize, as I’m not in a place in my practice where I do full readings for others, but I hope you’re able to connect with someone who does. Alternatively, Megan offers free one-card readings for the coven every weekend in the Weekened Divination thread. The one for the past week just ended I’m afraid, so it might not be right timing wise, but if you need a card this coming weekend, you could consider that.
Wishing you and your mother only the best. I hope the situation improves soon
I’m so sorry to hear your mother’s surgery was postponed. I’m afraid I can’t help with a tarot reading for her. I’m struggling to read for myself at the moment, but I will keep your mother’s in my thoughts and continue sending healing energies.
I think you may have already added her to the Energy Exchange, but if you haven’t you can do that too.
Hi @Kiash, I read your post, I hope you don’t mind but I did a reading for you. The plan was to pull 3 cards - one for your mother, one for you, and one for you both. But as I was shuffling, one jumped out, so it became a 4-card reading!
Card 1 (the escapee): Knight of Swords
KEYWORDS: Ambitious, action-oriented, driven to succeed, fast thinking, defending beliefs.
I think this card is for you. Knights are about action, and swords are about intellect - I think this card is reminding you to think with your head. This is a higly stressful situation for you all, and emotions are going to run high; I think this card is telling you not to let your emotions control your actions. It’s not saying you should ignore your heart when making decisions or taking action, just try to engage with your mind too.
Card 2 (card for your mother): 10 of Wands
KEYWORDS: Burden, extra responsibility, hard work, completion.
Wands are a suit of action, and 10 is a number of completion; the sum of the struggles that have been overcome up until now, and a reminder of those struggles as motivation to keep pushing one forward, because the end is near. Perhaps your mum is feeling the weight of her struggles to get this far, and this latest setback makes her feel ready to give up. Encourage her if you can; the journey is not quite over yet, but she is almost there, and the struggles will have been worth it.
Card 3 (card for you): 6 of Pentacles/Spheres
KEYWORDS: Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity.
The spheres refer to to Earth and material things, while 6 is a number of growth and service, often linked with charity. However, in this case, I think this card is telling you to check in with yourself. In your current situation, most people do whatever they can to help others, which is not a bad thing - I think this card is just saying it’s time to balance the scales. Imagine if you had 10 jars of energy per day; maybe you use 3 for Mum, 3 for other family members, 1 for the health professionals, 2 to keep on top of the house…there aren’t many jars left for you, are there? Consider putting time aside for a little self-love, check in with yourself and realign.
Card 4 (for both of you): The Wheel of Fortune Reversed
KEYWORDS: Bad luck, no control, resistance to change, breaking cycles, negative phase.
The 10th card of the Major Arcana is telling you that Fate has not forgotten you, even though it might feel like it. The number 10 has shown itself again, reminding you that you’re almost at the end and you shouldn’t give up. Bad luck and negative phases happen to us all from time to time, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. Whether they are actually bad things/luck, or change we’re resistant to, we each have to find our own way through. But I think this card is the Universe’s way of letting you know that the Divine has your back, that you will get through this because Fate says so.
I hope that helped, I’ll remember you and your Mum in my coven prayers this evening.
x Blessed Be x