Can you do the tarot spreads with oracle cards or runes if you don’t have a tarot deck?

I’m curious about this specifically, as I don’t have a tarot deck but I do have 2 oracle decks and a set of runes. Can I, per se, use the spells8 tarot spreads for my runes and oracle decks?


Welcome @laurel!

I can only speak for myself. My favorite is a set of staves I made. I have used it many times to do tarot card layouts, and have found success in the process- so many that I have actually collected layouts!

That said, it is up to you and your decks. Some have said they had difficulty doing so. Try it and see how your decks respond.


Hello and welcome @laurel


Thanks :heart: I appreciate the support. I’ve been here on a few different accounts before :grin:


Hi, @laurel! And welcome!

You can try it. I think it depends on what your Oracle cards would say. But a Past Present Future pull would probably work with either runes or Oracle cards. Play around and see what fits for you!

Good luck!


Hi @laurel, nice to virtually meet you :wave:t4:

I guess the short answer would be why not? It might depend on your oracle cards and the runes, whichever kind you’re using.

You can always rephrase a question in a spread to suit your needs and tools, you know what meanings your cards and runes have, so in theory any spread can be adapted. I agree with the others, give it a try!

x Blessed Be x


As a regular rune user, yes absolutely yes. You can ask the runes anything, anytime, anywhere, any method. The spread helps you organise your question, the runes will connect with you then the relevant spirits/gods and bring you the answer. You can even do a tarot reading and chuck in a rune for extra clarification. :green_heart:


Merry meet @laurel and welcome!

I have used oracle cards in tarot spreads before. Personally I feel it’s not much different - you are asking a question and pulling a card (or rune) for an answer. There might be some tarot spreads that don’t work as well using oracle cards, but it doesn’t hurt to try it out!


Merry meet and welcome, @laurel

I typically use a tarot deck and an oracle deck together when I am seeking answers. For me, it brings more depth and clarity. I have runes but I’m still learning how to use them, so I haven’t yet felt comfortable to do a reading. I really believe it’s what feels right to you! If anyone is looking for a really fun Oracle deck, I recommend trying the Beasties Oracle deck by Rage Create. It’s a small company and the owners are amazing! I actually correspond with one of the founders. Great energy and great vibes! And I love the cards!!


(I’m not an expert) I have questions like this a lot. I usually fall back on what I’ve learned from the many books I’ve read (mostly gleaned from references here).

Everything depends on whether you feel comfortable with what you come up with. The card instructions all say you should be intuitive. Every spell I’ve connected with was because I firmly believed in my intent (another requirement).

I think it is possible to use found objects to get a useful outcome. Runes seem like an obvious substitute and the Oracle cards do, too. If you connect with them through intuition and intent, they will work.

Have fun with it (another rule IMHO).


:+1: cool and thanks, it was just a pretty general question, as I’m obsessed with both as an autistic who’s right in the centre of the spectrum. I do have a few other special interests but I won’t go into detail about them in this comment, so I’ll tell you later on. :hugs:


I have the Ascension Oracle deck and the Oracle of the Unicorns deck, but I’ll try to find it somewhere being in Australia and there being few Wiccan or Pagan shops in the country, except Utopian Bazaar, Lylliths’ emporium in Jimbooba QLD, sacred willow and a few others.


Cool! It’ll be great to get to know you!