Candle meetings time please

I’m pretty new here. I read that every Thursday there’s candle meditations. Does anyone know what time and where (zoom?) this happen? I 'd like to attend tomorrow…

Thanks in advance!


Hello @addi1,

Welcome! :heart:

In terms of group rituals, there are currently two main types of live rituals/meetings we hold- Thursday group rituals and the Energy Exchange Circle meetings.

Thursday group rituals occur on Thursday each week and, while they sometimes involve a candle, the theme and supplies required vary each week- although they always involve a beverage! :tea: :coffee: :blush: Thursday rituals are done on your own time with a shared comment section to chat and talk about your experience. The ritual appears in the forum every Tuesday over in A Sacred Space so that everyone has time to prepare.

The Energy Circle Meetings occur throughout the month and are hosted over Skype. They are a special time to spend healing energy and prayers to those in the Coven who are in need of help. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings and can come and go in the video space as they please. The EEC post appears on the first of the month.

Please know that you are warmly invited to attend any and all rituals and meetings that interest you, Addi! And if you have any questions about specific gatherings, feel free to ask away :blush:

Blessed be!


Thanks for the info. This clears other questions. :slight_smile:


You’re welcome, Addi- I’m happy if I could help!

If you ever have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask :blush:

Blessed be! :heart:

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