Candle Safety Hack

I’ve been really concerned about my chime candles being wobbly in the little holders I had for them like the one in the photo below. But quite by chance I found something today in Hobby Lobby that really helps and puts my mind at ease.

It’s little strips of wax that you can wrap around your candle to fit it securely on whatever candle stick you have. You just use as much as you need and flatten it to fit. It’s reusable too. Very handy, thought I would share


Ohh that’s cool I have this problem with all my chime candles


Perfect Thank you for sharing :heart:


Mom used strips of tissue paper wrapped around candle bases. She had to watch closely as the candle neared the end so the flame didn’t catch the paper.

Your idea seems more safe, and it is reuseable!


If you don’t have a Hobby Lobby near you, you can get them online. They don’t have them on Amazon, but the manufacturers, General Wax, has them –General Wax & Candle | WAX CANDLE FITTERS (Pack of 14 Strips) - General Wax & Candle


Those are so cool! I had no idea there was such a thing.

Another thing that works well is clay or play do. I discovered that when I was using a birthday candle for a spell.


Neat! That is a great hack. If I have a wobbly candle that doesn’t quite fit in a holder I usually light it and drip its own wax into the holder, then press the candle in. Not very classy, but it works haha.

Thanks for sharing about the wax wraps. I hadn’t heard of them before, I’ll have to keep an eye out in stores! :eyes: :+1: