Changes to body scrub I shared a while back

I shared this I think as a challenge entry and while I was tweaking it I realized that I had mixed up a couple of words so I figured I would share the corrected and updated version

Clearing Body Scrub

White Candle
Incense (I prefer sage but any cleansing type you like is fine)
Large clean glass jar
1 Cup of Olive Oil infused with 4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil and 4 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
Plain Olive Oil as needed
1 cup of course Himalayan Pink Salt (1½ cups fine will work in a pinch)
⅔ - 1 cup loose leaf Lavender tea (I always use organic)
You can add 1½ Cups of Coconut Oil making more of a body wash for a basic clearing and cleansing

Light Incense and Candle
Cleanse Jar with Smoke from Incense
Combine Salt and Lavender in a clean glass jar
Add Infused Olive Oil then Plain Olive Oil enough to coat it all plus a splash (leave out the splash and make sure it is only enough to coat if using fine)
If using Coconut Oil add now and set jar in warm water until melted and recite shower incantation after sealing the jar
Stir until it is well incorporated (do this carefully if using fine) and say:

“Clean away all that is holding me
The real me setting free”

Cover jar and stamp using a wax seal or smoosh down a blob of wax from your candle and say

“The spell is done”

Meditate for a few minutes over what you are cleansing away
Let sit overnight
In warm shower use hands to rub over body while reciting

“All bane and ails I scrub away
To reveal the strength that under lay”

Rinse under cool water envisioning a pure streaming waterfall washing away all harmful and negative energy. Stay under the water until you feel it has all been cleansed away

Link to original body scrub recipe: 🫧 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Cleansing in the Craft - #29 by Nixi


Oh, nice! I could always use another body scrub recipe. Thank you for sharing! :heart:


@MeganB You’re very welcome. Mixed with coconut oil feels amazing


This looks lovely! :heart:

I made a body scrub the other day and used hibiscus- it was a nice idea, but the shower looked like a blood bath after (dried hibiscus has a really really intense red color)- this recipe looks much less alarming on the eyes! :joy:

(I hope you don’t mind that I added a little link to the original you kindly shared for the Cleansing Challenge. This way, if anyone comes across the first one, there will be a little link to come check out this updated version! :grinning: )

Thanks so much for sharing your updated recipe, Nixi! :blush: :coconut: :olive:


Oh, I could imagine a hibiscus body scrub would end up looking like a murder scene :joy: but I bet it smells good!

I have to be careful with the oils in body scrubs because of being on a septic system, but I’m sure using them occasionally wouldn’t be an issue. I used to use body scrubs all the time, and I really feel like this is a sign to do it again!


-adds this to the list of things to do this week-

This sounds amazing. I desperately need to get back into my shower meditation routine. Looking forward to this sometime this week!


@AileyGrey let me know what you think, I’d love an opinion and input from someone not in my household and who isn’t related :laughing: :black_cat: