Piggybacking on an article @celineelise shared here
(this is from the NPR eclipse rituals article)
Saxena will be charging her crystals during the eclipse. She says that crystals are often used to focus someone’s thoughts and energy on a particular outcome, idea or goal. You can charge them by holding them and thinking of that exact idea during periods of intense sunlight or moonlight, she adds. For Saxena, the crystals absorb that energy and are a constant physical reminder.
For her, the eclipse is more than an opportunity to energize crystals.
“You don’t get to see something like this often in your life,” Saxena says. “It makes me think a lot about [Carl] Sagan and the pale blue dot. We’re so small and subject to so many things around us.”
Some people think the eclipse is an auspicious time for spells and crystal charging, others caution against it. It ends up being your choice which you feel is right.
If you feel charging them under an eclipse isn’t right for your practice, you haven’t done anything to the crystals you can’t change. Cleanse, clear, and recharge them and they are as good as new!