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Something else I found while pre-shopping

It would be great for anyone with an I have a shopping problem and I spend way too much on witchy stuff but, really, I’m a minimalist :raised_back_of_hand:t2: or old ways feel to their Altar
Cast Iron Incense Burner 4" L 2" H, Ideal for smudging, Incense Burning, Ritual Purpose, Decoration etc. (4" L)


Cast iron is some sturdy stuff- that looks like a really lovely incense burner! :diya_lamp: :sparkles: :grinning:


It looks like it would catch all the ash too! Nice find!


I’m still looking for the perfect one but at this point I’m thinking to find something acceptable that won’t prompt my husband to tell me that my shopping addiction is going to kill him long before anything else :woman_facepalming:t2: :laughing:


My dear @Nixi how I adore you for sharing all your great finds. I needed to see this one. I have a incense burner that I got with my Tibetan singing bowl it is of a Lotus, it does not seem to show up on there now. But it has different incense sections that you can use. It is lovely but damn if I am not having to clean my altar almost every other day because it makes such a mess and I can’t stand it. I did just get a Amazon gift card and was wondering what to get next and I think this is it lol.

Update: I always read the reviews and check out pictures comes with reviewing things in the past. This is just as bad as the one I have now. I will continue to search until I find one that does not make a mess. I use a lot of incense sticks so I need something for that.


That’s an interesting incense burner. I’m more old-school, I think :sweat_smile: I have a wooden stick incense burner and a miniature cast iron cauldron. I don’t know what I’d do with this. I don’t burn incense enough to need it lol


@MeganB even the wooden stick ones are bad now. I have used those in the past and I got a few new but they get ash all over. I don’t know if I did not care as much in the past but my OCD is so bad right now lol.


Yeah, that’s true. I have a nice one that’s made out of some type of stone. It keeps the stick standing straight up, but I think my daughter took that burner or it’s around here somewhere :laughing: that one’s pretty nice and doesn’t make too big of a mess.

I prefer cones, anyway, because I have two really pretty backflow incense burners lol


Ohh that one sounds pretty. I like cones as well but only use them in my living room to burn. I was just thinking that I should look into getting more cones and gosh those backflow burners are so pretty and I want one lol.


I really like the backflow burners, but if there’s any air movement in the room at all then they tend to not work properly lol I mean, it’s smoke, so that makes sense. But when they do work, they’re gorgeous!


@Heav3n I’ve got a burner from Amazon that works really well, I’ve had it for two years and it doesn’t let the ash fly.


I have a ton of inscense holders, but my favorite and least messie is one that I purchased at a flea market. Hubby saw it before I did. It’s from the 60’s or 70’s and the first thing I said when I saw it was “Wow, I bet this belonged to real hippies!” It even had antique incense sticks in it. They were so old they didn’t smell. I tossed those in the trash. No telling what kind of poison was put into incense at that time. I remember when the mosquito truck would go by our house, my brother and I would play in the chemical cloud! I think that chemical has been outlawed. Lol!


Hippie incense. That would be a wild ride man. LOL!


You never know what you will find at a flea market. Lol!


Thank you for sharing this, I did come across this in my search. I like it but it is big for my altar which has not much space on it lol.


Lmao, I am glad you did toss it you never know what kind of trip you would be taking lol.


True! Lol!


Too bad. It’s become my favorite.


I so want to respond to everyone but I just don’t have it in me. You all are the best.
I kind of thought the cast iron had an old world to it, I’m not sure why.
I love this though, it’s like going shopping with a group of friends

We have a few shopaholics, some Ooo you should totally get that, a few voices of reason and there’s always one that just watches the craziness :laughing:


I just totally fell in love with this little cutie
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