I was using colored icicles on my walls as decor to make my whole room an altar. The decorations had to go when the apartment I had smelled like sewage for 3 months straight. Then the places I had bought the icicles moved out of my neighborhood. I wasn’t able to replace all the colors I had, but I was able to get some colors.
Can anyone help? I’m seeking two blue and two green icicles. Willing to buy or trade.
I’m glad you were able to collect some colors at least- these ones are lovely!
I ran a quick Google Image Search to see if I could find more about the decorations and where it might be possible to purchase them, but Google is only showing me candles
Is there by any chance a name of the company on any of the boxes? Or do you remember the name of the store you got them from? If it’s part of a chain, it might be possible to order more and have them delivered!
Walmart used to carry them, but I haven’t seen them there. The ones I have were from Big Lots, but they never had blue or green. That’s part of the reason I was hoping someone had a couple extra.
Could be worth digging around on a site like eBay- sometimes people collect Walmart stuff and sell it there. I got a t-shirt on eBay that used to be sold at Walmart before they stopped selling it in stores. You never know what you’ll find!
One way or another, I hope you’ll be able to find the decorations in other colors or at least similar-looking ones! Wishing you all the best
It’s just a resell online shop. It’s like eBay but a different company. I’ve bought stuff through here. It’s sellers on the site. Literally this is the only thing I could find available. If you want it u may want to jump on it. I saw nothing else