Cinnabar-very dangerous but very powerful

Hello All, (sorry about the clarity of the picture my camera as well as all my electrical items are messing up)
We went to the local decrept cinnabar mine and picked up a few pieces, Cinnabar is seriously toxic and you need to wash your hands after touching it. Never allow it around kids or animals. But it is one powerful stone for spell work.Never ever try to burn it, or get flakes, that releases the mercury in the air and can be fatal.

Just place it on the altar, I place it on a wooden pentagram I have. Talk to it and tell it what you need from it, and then proceed like normal with whatever ritual or spell you are going to do, Make sure to wipe up the pentagram, your hands etc when done and store it in a clean safe space.


Ohh lovely, cinnabar is super powerful! I would love to have one but my daughter loves crystals and she’s forever holding mine so I havent brought one yet!

Hopefully when she’s a bit older :blush:

Good luck with your manifestating!


I have never actually heard of Cinnabar before! For what kind of spells or magic works is it best used for?


This is a good link @christine4 :slightly_smiling_face: