Cleansing my home. Suggestions?

I’m going to be doing a full house cleansing on New Year’s eve. I’ve read a lot of posts and articles. I was looking for some of your rituals or suggestions.

I plan on using cedar bundle. I know the process…top to bottom, back to front.

What do you say? Do you go through the whole house to cleanse then go through again with what you want to bring in? Windows open or closed? What do you like to use? Do you follow up with protection wards?

I’ve done cleansings before, but I feel like it was lacking something or not as successful as I hoped it would be.

Your suggestions and personal experiences would be greatly appreciated! :heart::blush:


I found this on Heritage Apothecary and use it all the time. With the cleansing power of this sage (or wood), I release all negative energy from this space. May it be filled with light, love, and positive vibrations. As I walk through this sacred smoke, may my body, mind, and spirit be cleansed and renewed.


I open the windows, then use incense (I don’t get on with sage) Palo Santo, frankincense. I light the stick and go through every room in the house, I say what comes to my mind in each room as each room has its own energy. Then I re bless my wards ( at the moment I have the Malphas protection ward spell jars so I will call him in again to re-charge them). That’s it.
Then I give the house a good sweep and dust. :green_heart:


I always start with a physical cleaning - decluttering, dusting, vacuuming, wiping down surfaces etc. Awful I know but needs must :rofl::see_no_evil:. It is called redding (as in getting ready for the new year). A common phrase here is saying ill need to get red up meaning ill have to tidy up. It is considered bad luck in Scotland to start new year with a manky hoose (dirty house):rofl:.

Traditionally (doesnt really.happen now but i might do it), a rowan tree branch would be placed above the front door to bring luck, mistletoe would bring good health and holly woiluld keep out the mischievous fairies. Juniper was birned throughout the house to cleanse it ( I may put it in my diffuser). I will also do my usual going around the rooms and door frames with sage.

I tend to open the windows and doors. The tradition in Scotland is, after cleaning, you open the front and back door to blow out the old and welcome in the new. At midnight, it is also tradition to leave the house via the back door, walk around and re-enter through the front to represent thenold leaving and the new entering. You also make lots of noise to frighten away any evil or negativity.

In scotland we have a tradition called “first footing” on Hogmanay (that’s what we call New Year’s Eve). The first footer is the first person to cross the door after midnight. It cannot be someone who was in the house before midnight who has left and returned. They are said to fill the house with good luck for the new year when they cross the door threshold. Ideally it should be a dark haired male for extra luck. They tend to bring a symbolic gift of coal (for warmth) food (for health) or a coin (for prosperity). Whisky is always a welcome gift too :rofl:. Blonde haired men are said to bring bad luck (as they are a reminder of the Viking invadors).

Afterwards, you say a toast to welcome in luck and prosperity:

Lang may yer lum reek

This basically means long may your chimney smoke. This was in reference to the past when people used coal fires. It is an expression of hope for good luck, health and prosperity for the year ahead.

I have digressed a bit about new year traditions but they do relate to cleansing the house and inviting in good luck, particularly for new year. Also a little lesson in a few Scots Language words and phrases. :rofl::scotland:

Blessed be



This is fabulous. @Cosmic_Curiosity

I’ll have to remember this if my dad visits. He’s blonde and of Viking ancestory :rofl:


As long as he isn’t the first to cross the door at new year. Tell him he has to wait outside until someone else comes in :rofl:


@Cosmic_Curiosity Give him some Scottish whiskey and he won’t care where he waits or how long. He’ll be happy :rofl:


And he certainly wont feel the cold when drinking whisky! :rofl:


@Ostara That’s lovely! Thank you! :heart:

@tracyS I never thought about addressing each room’s energy. :cyclone: I think I’ll keep it simple this time and consider that for the next. My only problem is I can’t get to the boys’ rooms or the basement. Their rooms are gross! :grimacing: My husband will have to do it as I visualize :eyes: it being done. I was thinking of drawing the algiz rune :algiz: in salt water on all the doors​:door: and windows :window: for protection wards.

@Cosmic_Curiosity Gotta love the Scotts! :heart::blush: I love the phrases and pronunciations! :laughing: Fortunately my house was just cleaned. :broom: I’ll give it a quick once over before I cleanse. On new years eve we used to bang pots and pans! :boom:Little did we know it was to chase away evil spirits! :ghost: A toast :bread: and a prayer :pray: of gratitude seems like a good way to end the cleansing! My dad makes a delicious apple pie moonshine :tumbler_glass:, which seems appropriate for the occasion! :tada:

Thank you all! :heart: :blush::hugs:


I don’t have anything I say specifically, but I do keep the windows and doors open when I cleanse. It lets everything leave, but it’s also good health practice to work with smoke in a well-ventilated area. When I’m done cleansing, I go through each room and ward the windows and doors with some salt water and a sigil I’ve created. Then I make sure to play some good music, burn a sweet-smelling candle, and fill the space with happiness and good energy! :sparkles: :heart:


I was on Llewellyn just browsing recently (dangerous, I know) and came across this book that could be helpful for the physical and magical cleansing aspects? I haven’t read it, but maybe someone else has?

Random: I’m looking for a little recipe on magical glass cleaner! If anyone happens to have one (I have a lot of windows in one of my rooms). :window:


I don’t know about a magical recipe right off the bat, but I did find this natural glass cleaner recipe that you can make magical depending on the ingredients you use.

You can add in lemons and some salt for cleansing, or essential oils that correspond with protection in your practice.



When i cleanse i keep my windows and doors closed. But put my animals in the room that i will cleanse last so the smoke does not bother them. I will take time in each room and say my intentions. I will light a white and black candle on my desk in living room.

Then i do the cinnamon stick above the doorway because of having animals. Hold and meditate with my protection spell jar then place it by the front door.

I will then open the doors and windows and sweep out all the negative energy in my home. I will use my protection oil with a towel and wipe a little around front and back door and around the windowsills.

Then mop my floors with mop water and a few drops of cinnamon and rosmary essential oils in the water. I go around and dust things and wipe down counters with water… rosmary, cinnamon eucalyptus essential oils.

Then spend 10 or 20 mins meditating and thinking of everything that i done to cleanse and help protect my home.

I do the cinnamon stick above door once a month. And use the essential oils in my mop water every 3 months or when i feel it needs it again. But use regular mop water each week unless i am doing the essentail oils. I will also use sage when i feel the air is stale or remove negwtive energies. I use sage, dragons blood, yebra sages. I mix them up depending on what i want done.


@BlueAngelite browsing books is always dangerous! I think I’m gonna have to get that book! I found this recipe for theives oil. I haven’t made it but I’ve used store bought. It works on any surface, including glass, and cleans well. Smells nice too!

@MeganB music is a great idea! Very helpful for setting intentions! Do you have a particular playlist you like?

@wendy I have pets too. Good idea to use the cinnamon stick. Didn’t think about powder affecting the animals! What kind of protection oil do you use?


No, not particularly :joy: I have a Spotify station that plays some Celtic Instrumental Music and that tends to work!


Im sorry I havent been on here as much anymore. Been trying to get my 2 businesses off the ground.

But the Protection Oil i use is in a little bottle. The top twist. I know it should be in a dark glass bottle, but i am on a budget. So i got the plastic bottle at Dollar tree, and my 100% pure essential oils off of amazon. I keep my bottle in a dark area. When i make the protection oil for myself or for somwone else, it is almost different everytime.

But i always use these in each one i make ( i add 2 drops each of the essential oils)

  • Olive oil
    Essential oils
  • Bergamont
  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Patchouli
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Sandlewood
    I know there is alot here, but i have noticed a big difference everytime i use my Protection Oil.
    Then i will add any other oils, and add herbs in if they want it.

No need to apologize! We have a post for coven member businesses. @MeganB might be able to link the post?

I love your protection oil! Thank you for sharing that! I probably have all the oils, but I haven’t gone through them in a while


Yup, I can! :+1:

Coven Member Shops :bouquet:


Thanks @MeganB !:blush::purple_heart:


You’re welcome! :hugs: :heart: