Cleansing rituals for releasing old energies

Sometimes, when we go through a breakup or experience loss in our lives, we carry around old energies that can weigh us down. It’s important to release these stagnant energies so that we can make space for new, positive energy to enter our lives. Cleansing rituals can be a powerful way to release these old energies and move on from the past.

One cleansing ritual that many find helpful is a salt bath. Salt has been used for centuries as a purifier and can help to cleanse your energy field. Draw a warm bath and add a cup of sea salt or Epsom salt to the water. As you soak, visualize all of the negative energy leaving your body and being absorbed by the salt. Feel the heaviness lifting from your shoulders and allow yourself to release any emotions that no longer serve you. When you are ready, drain the bathwater, pat yourself dry, and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment.

Another cleansing ritual that can be effective is smudging with sage or palo santo. (or other cleansing method of your choice) Light a bundle of sage or palo santo and let the smoke waft through your home, paying special attention to areas where you spend the most time. As you smudge, envision any negative energies or attachments being carried away by the smoke, leaving behind a clear and peaceful atmosphere.

You may also want to consider creating a sacred space in your home where you can go to meditate, reflect, and release any lingering energies. This space can be as simple as a corner of your room with a comfortable cushion or chair, a candle, and a few crystals or sacred objects. Spend time in this space each day, focusing on your breath and allowing any emotions to surface and release.

If you feel drawn to working with crystals, there are several stones that can be helpful for releasing old energies. Black tourmaline is a powerful stone for protection and grounding, while rose quartz can help to heal the heart and attract love. Hold these stones in your hands as you meditate or place them on your body during a healing session.

Remember, the key to any cleansing ritual is to set your intention and trust in the process. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to receiving the healing energy that is available to you. By releasing old energies, you are making space for new opportunities and experiences to come into your life. Embrace this time of transition and know that you are supported on your journey towards healing and wholeness.


I’m not sure what it is about salt, but I find it really pleasing to work with - in baths, cleansers, spellwork, etc. A trusty and dependable ingredient! And as an added bonus, it’s cheap and easy to get too :wink: :+1:

So mote it be!

Thank you for this helpful cleansing guide, @Silverbear! :pray: :heart: :salt: