Coloured Salt - have any of you ever tried it?

Greetings to All :wave:t4:

I’ve read about it in various forms, and I think I’m going to use it in my Craft. Just wondered if anyone has come across it before.

For example, one of the recipes I saw to make green salt for protecting the home said to grind protection herbs with coarse salt, add a tbs of alcohol to bind the ingredients, add green food colouring to desired shade, then let it dry out and place it in a green pouch in your home.

I love the theory of the idea, and using food colouring widens the colour magick options… I can already picture a row of tiny jars with different coloured salts lol… I’d love to know what you all think!

x Blessed Be


I have black and red salt in my herbal apothecary, but I bought them instead of make them.

I would definitely like to try to make my own, though! This looks fun/easy.


It sounds cool. Not sure I’d be able to use much, but I might be willing to try.


I haven’t heard of using food coloring to change salt colors but it makes sense. I did see that green salt is a real culinary thing -

There are recipes for herbal green salt as well

Personally I’d rather mix salt with green herbs / plants than use food coloring because many dyes aren’t natural, but that’s just me.

Food coloring is designed to be safe to eat so, why not?

I make and use black salt, cook with pink salt but don’t use any other colored salts that I can think of :thinking:


Snap @little.elf.queen, which is why it caught my eye…why buy them when I can make them? And I can tailor the salt to my needs, instead of relying on the unknown recipes of others.

That’s what I thought @georgia, and then I figured that if I make small amounts specific to my intents, I’m pretty sure I’ll use them! It’s worth a go, right?

Yeah, it’s not a thing I made up lol! I think I saw it on MasterChef Australia ages ago, and it got me thinking, then I just found a recipe in an app I’ve been using and the research started from there.

That’s what I plan to do, and I don’t plan to use alcohol, maybe essential oil. But the food colouring got me thinking; herbs are already green, but what if I’m using herbs for intuition? If I could make them purple, for example, to align with the colour of the amethyst, it would still work, the colours would align, and it would be easier to differentiate between the salts.

There are many natural ways to colour things, for example, I’m sure the juice of a beetroot would work for purple, deep green from cucumber skins, red from concentrated tomatoes…thanks again MasterChef Australia! :rofl:

x Blessed Be x


Purple basil might impart a purple color to salt. :thinking: Hmmm now I might have to grow that this year to try!!! :joy:

Dying fabric or paper with plants has been something I’ve always wanted to try. Maybe starting with salt is the gateway to get me going? Lol


I’ve never used it myself, but I think I’ve seen it around.

If you give it a try, I’d love to hear about how it works for you!


@Artemisia I did not think of purple basil - although I’m not sure it will dye the other herbs, thanks for the idea!

That sounds like the beginning of a beautiful crafting journey! I hope you do it, and if you do, I hope you post about it!

@MeganB will do…it could be very interesting!

x Blessed Be x


I have a coven member that does lots of Crafting and she just sent me a huge sheet with corrospondenses and yes a couple drops of whicher food coloring. But it’s generally just for an aesthetic thing. If you want the natural color she uses a coffee grinder to really get all of the herbs in the salt Blended really well so that it is a natural color. Up to you however you want to do it. He tends to use a lot of parsley in hers in the coffee grinder and it creates it to be that really deep green color



Wasn’t there a blue from cabbage? I know that washing fabric dyed with sumac tea creates woad blue, a color used during the American civil war, but that wouldn’t work with salt. Umm, I think there was something about “joe pye weed” or iron weed creating a shade of blue, too.

Onions make good yellow dye. Of course, most of what I know is dye for cloth, collected from Native American and pioneer crafts.


By the Goddess I love this place! Thank you both @MistyW and @georgia, more fantastic ideas I didn’t know about. Hooray for the coven!

If any of you feel inclined to give this a go, please do post if you don’t mind! K’s off sick so I doubt it’ll happen this week, but I’m looking forward to giving it a try!

x Blessed Be x


I didnt grind it. Need to clean the grinder from previous workings. Lol :laughing:. But yeah I made one.

I still have half the herb mixture too cuz it wouldn’t fit just yet. So im thinking it will be nice and green


Looks good! Thank you for sharing.



Misty that looks so awesome :heart_eyes: I can literally picture a row of those bottles with different salts in them. Well done!!

x Blessed Be x


Its funny you say that because I found a long wall shelf with a bunch of those bottles in it thrifting.


Perfect salt shelf! Ooh! I’d like to have several of those for herbs and spell bottles! Hang them on a wall, and the bottles won’t fall off. Save counter space, too.

Mom used to have one when I was growing up. For some reason, they don’t seem to make wall mounts anymore, as though everyone has more counter space than they need in their kitchens- or am I not shopping in the “right” stores?


@MistyW That is pretty much what I pictured, don’t they look gorgeous :heart_eyes:

@georgia Have you searched online? You can get almost anything online these days lol!

x Blessed Be x


I haven’t seen any around lately, but I also don’t have enough wall space for anything to hang in my kitchen. I also don’t have much counter space… :joy: I have a small kitchen! I’ve thought about finding something that’s hanging and putting it on the inside door of one of my cabinets in such a way that it wouldn’t be in the way, but I’d lose space on the cabinet shelf, too :thinking: