I’ve just come across a new topic for me…the incorporation of Internet apps & websites in witchcraft
I’ve seen two terms used: Cyber witchcraft and Tech Witchcraft
What are your thoughts?
Personally, ‘Tech Witch’ doesn’t make sense to me because the old-fashioned way of writing in longhand and using traditional methods is a ‘technology’. Which means that ‘old tech’, which is cumbersome. Like saying, ‘Ancestor Tech’, ‘Celtic Tech’, etc.
I do like ‘Cyber Witch’ as the term cyber more directly implies computer, app & cloud use in the Magickal Arts.
For example, a Cyber Witch would be heavily dependent on apps for astrology (ephemeris, horoscope, etc), moon phases, journaling, Book of Shadows, reading,…even blessing the digital items being used as if they were traditional tools of witchcraft.
Interesting. I don’t know if this classes as cyber witchcraft, but when zoom became a thing during COVID, it was used by The College of Psychic Studies and they reported a huge surge in spirit activity, apparently spirits love WiFi. And in one of my courses with my Norse tutor, he reported that he gets through more laptops as they keep getting blown up by spirits, now that he’s using zoom to teach and practice Magick. I know Loki messes with my radio to the point that a car radio technician said, “it shouldn’t do that, your car’s haunted!” and walked away shaking his head
Yes, I’m a cyber witch, I use Spells8, meditation apps and am about to start to learn to see if I can integrate WiFi into my rune work - it’ll either be a success or blow up in my face lol - such fun.
I also prefer the term Cyber for all the reasons I listed. I mean, the method we use to strain vegetables is a ‘tech’
It does make perfect sense that, since wifi uses & increases electromagnetic activity, that it would be more aligned to witchcraft than analog. So I couldn’t agree with you more @tracyS
Conversely, many ‘ghost hunters’ swear by analog devices to pick up EVPs etc
I suppose I’m actually a cyber witch although I hadn’t really thought about it until I saw your post.
I use Spells 8, the Balance meditation app, a moon phases app and I watch witchy videos on Youtube, plus most of what I know about witchcraft has been gleaned from the internet - Spells 8 and other sites.
Now I think about it, “cyber witch” definitely brings to mind using computers and the internet in my practice.
My thoughts: Computers are tools. When we didn’t have them we used the older alternatives. They automate discovery, collecting information and connecting to like minds. If there is a gift in there, it may be the simple growth of understanding or it may have a spiritual side. Either way, it is a plus.
Calling someone a ‘tech witch’ implies (to me) someone who is proficient with computers and hardware beyond the normal mean. Calling someone a ‘cyber witch’ seems to say they are using the cyber world to advance themselves and/or others… even with that there is an ambiguity but not as bad as ‘tech’.
So… for me… I think ‘cyber witch’ is the better choice if there is a choice that should be made.
I’m really new at this Cyber stuff. So far, I like what has become familiar to me. Still, I am slow at it. It was my choice to develop the low tech version in case of needing to repeat history. No regrets, so far, except that I feel like I’m starting over instead of adding to what I already know. It’s an odd sensation which will calm down as I become more proficient.
I have built my own websites from scratch using HTML (long before Javascript and CSS), and have taken apart and put together several personal computers. I have written some very basic programs. I have many digital copies of books and collect important things in my Notion book. I use my laptop and phone daily to access information and contact people.
However, I do not consider myself either a cyber or a tech witch. I’m very old school. I have paper journals that I write in with pen and ink. I have printed books that I read (in addition to digital books). My spells however use physical components - things I can touch and feel. It’s just what I’m comfortable with. My magickal connection is rooted in the physical world and specifically the natural world.
I am grateful for the ability to research things more easily using the internet as well as being able to connect with people over vast distances much more easily than in the past but neither term resonates for this old crone.
I think the general understanding of the word “tech” would imply modern technology, not just any technology from any point in history. I do think Tech Magic and Cyber Magic are two different categories, though.
Tech Magic would involve the use of any modern technology, not just those that connect someone to the digital realm. On the other side, Cymber Magic would involve the use of anything that connects someone to the digital realm. Tech Magic would likely have fewer options though, especially now, because most modern tech involves the cyber world. However, it’s not impossible.
All cyber technologies are only possible because of quantum physics, and as one who has long grokked the consciousness of everything, I feel real magick originates from the quantum field… which is the basis of all magical manifestations. It is a very high frequency field of energetic potential. I am definitely a Quantum Witch.
I usually stay out of such discussions, but seeing as it’s in my feed…
I think the word “tech” applies to technology, the tools, although I tend to think of modern technology first. However, I think time is an important component because at one point in time, the Commodore 64 was modern! If I had one I could probably get it working for the purpose it was designed for, but I wouldn’t use it now… except to play games of course lol. I think the word “cyber” can be applied to any to do with the cyber/digital world.
Do I love my digital assistance? Yes, I’ve always been fascinated with computers and the online world, worked with them for many years.
Do I love my physical items? Definitely yes, I’m old school like that.
Do I think that digital assistance will be the end of us? Probably, if we don’t get there first. I believe everything in moderation - everything - and I have way too many cyber connections, so if AI took over, I’d probably die first lol.
By the way, welcome to @denise13, good to see you!
Cyber is a fun word. I think it originated from science fiction, at least that’s where I first remember hearing the word. “We need to go to cyberspace. Let’s jack in.” At some point in between if someone online asked you “u cyber?” they were asking if you want to do ERP ( erotic role play, virtual sex) with them. Now you can hear people in news and business use the word completely seriously.