Daily ritual issues

I have a question. Is the best time to start a daily ritual after getting up in the morning, or after finishing it at night before going to bed?


Whatever works with you. You can do either, or both. I always light a candle, make a coffee for Loki (my deity) every morning, it’s a 5 minute good morning, nothing fancy, then I do a 2 minute roughly call in white light meditation, thats its. The longer rituals I do when I have time to give them. :sparkling_heart:


I’m in agreement with @tracyS Do them when you have the time, or feel the need. I do a meditation every morning before getting out of med, a shower ritual every morning in the shower. Read my daily tarot cards while drinking my first cup of coffee and having my first cig of the day. Then the rest of the day as I’m cooking or when i have time.


Hello @matariel,

I’m going to second (third?) Tracy and Mystique - both morning and night time are good times to do a ritual. I’d say do whichever works best for your schedule! :blush:

If both times are good options for you and you’re trying to decide between the two, you might think about the type of spell you are casting and align it with the correspondences of the time of day.

For example:

  • :sun_with_face: Morning/sunrise is a time of new beginnings, increase, light, solar magick, fresh starts, etc.

  • :full_moon_with_face: Evening/sunset is a time of closure, endings, rest, completion, decrease, moon magick, etc.

Again, these are optional energies that you could invite into your spellwork to further enhance and guide the ritual. In my personal experience, they are optional and only matter if the caster intentionally invokes them into the spell.

Whatever you choose to do, wishing you happy spellwork! :sparkles: :blush:


@matariel I start the morning with the Orphic hymn to the Goddess Hekati, I read the Angelic Tarot of the day and I start my day
On Monday night I do a ritual to Goddess Hekati
it’s what will speak to your heart :two_hearts: :two_hearts:


As others have said, the best time is the time that works for you. Some people find their routines are better in the evening. Others find that mornings work better. Still, for someone like me who only gets alone time during the afternoon, I often find myself taking care of my spiritual practice in the middle of the day.


I try to keep it as simple as possible with my am ritual. I struggled so much trying to fit everything in, so I just focus on Yoga, meditation, journal. They are the most important to me and my health.
So for yoga I do Sun Salutation and say Reiki Percepts while in savasana post with some chakra crystal disc I strung together. 3 minute Wiccan am prayer and candle color of the day meditation, usually 5-10 minutes. Then tea or coffee while I write my todo list. Then off to start my day. :sunflower::sun_with_face:
Night I do Lunar Yoga for the moon phase and any spells/ rituals that I am called or attracted to do. :sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles:


I echo everyone else’s sentiments that you should pick the time that works best for you.

I have found that mornings work best for me as my day generally devolves into busyness and then into being too tired to do anything else :laughing:

I do a coffee meditation and spell in the morning to start my day off simply!


all these are very beautiful my dear! :pentagram:


I’ll stop by my space before I leave in the morning :sunrise_over_mountains: then at night I spend an hour or more at my temple. There’s not really rules to anything. Especially if you are a chaos witch like me. Do whatever is best for you.


I always " wake up" my deities in the morning by uncovering them and dressing them (wrap of fabric around them) as this was teadition in Ancient Egypt. I light incense, anoint them with oil and recite my morning prayer

At night, i light a candle for each on my altar. Before bed, I thank them for their assistance and guidence before covering them up for the night.

Any big rituals are done when I have the time to dedicate to them…this is normally after dark.

Blessed be



I love this question because I struggle with timing a lot. My schedule is jammed pack from 6am-9pm. I try to get up by 5am, make some tea then head to my altar smoke cleanse, light my candles, meditate, ground & call upon my spirit guide. By 7am I’m online working then off to the gym at 8:30 or 9am.

In the evening, I’m too drained to do much so I usually transform into a couch potato & read up on some lessons in Spells8. I’ve found that transcendental meditation helps me to wind down & preps me for sleep. :sleeping:

You’ve got to find a time that works for you, something is better than nothing. If all the time you have is to brew tea or coffee & light a candle & say a little blessing to start your day, grant yourself the grace to do so.

Hope that helps. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: