December 6th Daily Affirmation

Message to self:

“My fears are nothing but my guidance

system that are showing me what I have

to overcome in order to be more connected

and aligned with my true self, and today

I choose to acknowledge and face my fears,

so I can transcend them and be better.”

~ Lukas Notes


@christina4 - this is so lovely. Thank you for posting this and perfect timing too. It’s been a while since I’ve been on the site as I’ve been busy with work and at the same time feeling “scattered”.


This is so true. Fear keeps us from truly following our path or knowing our true spiritual self. I have learned to conquer my fears, but I had a long time to do this. When I was younger everything was wrought with anxiety for me. Now I can do anything I set my mind and focus (also emotional intention) to. :slight_smile: Don’t give up. Success is just around the corner.