Decipher the Deity - anyone up for it?

Greetings to All, and thanks for reading!

I’ve had a few indications lately that there’s more than one Deity who’s dipped in and out of my life… I know, I’m not over the shock myself. The likelihood of a relationship with one Deity seemed so unlikely, so more than one is humbling.

Anyway, long story short, I did a Deity spread to identify who it was, and I was surprised by the answer…

Card 1 King of Swords
Card 2 8 of Cups reversed
Card 3 Page of Cups
Card 4 9 of Cups
Card 5 10 of Cups
Card 6 King of Wands
Card 7 Wheel of Fortune reversed

As I said I think I know who it is, but it was kind of fun to see other’s interpretations of the last reading, so I thought why not? It’ll be interesting to see what others think, after all I could be biased lol!

x Blessed Be x


The bias makes them yours. Be biased! Enjoy your time with them!

I don’t pry into who is with me: I’m just glad someone’s there. If they want me to see them, I will.


Hi @Nikki-Phoenix,

I second Georgia about listening to the bias - trust your intuition and go with your gut! :blush: At the same time, I also know it can be helpful to get some second eyes on a reading, as sometimes it can unlock new interpretations that we missed on our own.

In hopes of helping, here are my thoughts as an outsider to the reading.

From a tarot perspective, there’s a clear majority of Cups in the reading. Because of this, I’d say it’s a Water-aligned deity, and, as there are absolutely no Pentacles, it may be one with very slight ties to the Earth element.

The suit of Cups carries the strongest divine feminine energy of the four suits, however, you have two King court cards here - and one of them is Card number 1: The Deity. There’s also one Wand and one Sword, so I’m not too confident if the cards themselves are giving a hint as to the energy of the deity. They may have traits of both the divine masculine and the divine feminine, though I’m leaning slightly toward the divine masculine.

The strongest card in the reading is the major arcana The Wheel of Fortune - it’s reversed, but it’s also the symbolism card. And that card is loaded with symbolism in the artwork and its meaning. It’s card of cycles, ups and downs, and depicts various mythological creatures.

The tarot course on Spells8 breaks down some of the symbols on this card, so I’ll link it here:

  • The serpent that descends on the left side of the wheel is the Egyptian god of evil Typhon. The serpent also represents the life force and the descent into the material world.
  • A kind of Anubis rises on the right side of the wheel: This is Hermes, a symbol of intelligence, ascending wisdom and communication.
  • The Sphinx above the wheel represents the enigmas of life.
  • The wheel also contains the alchemical symbols (🜁🜂🜃🜄) of: mercury, sulfur, water and salt — the building blocks of life and the four elements.

There sure is a lot of Egyptian symbolism there! Paired with the King of Wands for the second symbolism card, I’m getting a push toward the Egyptian pantheon - perhaps the Creator God Nun or a related deity. Hermes is listed by name for The Wheel of Fortune, so He could be worth looking into. For some reason, the Norse God Loki comes to mind too.

Just a few more thoughts on the table for you to consider!

Whoever it is, good luck and I hope you enjoy connecting with Them :blush:

Blessed be!


Hey B, thank you so much! Lovely to read what someone else sees; so thrilling to read that you saw exactly what I saw, yet you have different conclusions… I love it!

Honestly, it never occurred to me that it might be a Creator God, I will definitely be looking into that, and Loki. Hermes is on my list, as is Thoth… this will be a very interesting conversation!

Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

x Blessed Be x


I’m happy if I could help! :blush:

Good luck and blessed be :heart:


Just seconding what @georgia said :revolving_hearts: in instances like this, our bias can also be a nudge from our intuition. As long as you’re recognizing the bias then you can be aware of how it affects you!

I don’t have the current mental space to interpret the reading, but you have a wonderful answer from Bry that I agree with :pink_heart:


You did! Another perspective is always refreshing, it helps to hear what I may have missed; I could have a blind spot I don’t know about, so it’s kind of like having backup lol. It’s also validating when someone else sees what I’ve seen, as opposed to someone seeing something completely different which would not be awesome lol.

Thank you, again I didn’t think of that; awareness can be the difference between bias and intuition perhaps… and please don’t feel as if you have to do this. With all that you do already, the last thing I want is for you to feel like it’s a chore lovely; I thought for the experienced it could be kind of fun, and for the inexperienced it could be a good way to gain some experience. In fact, I would much rather you were curled up resting to be honest! Love and hugs to all who need them x

x Blessed Be x


If I can offer another point of view that might be encouraging, I’d say it’s not necessarily a problem if two people look at the same divination results and see different things. Tea/coffee divination are a prime example. I might look into my cup and see a skull, while someone else peers into the same cup and sees a snake. Someone else might spot a butterfly - completely different visions from the same material.

Yet, if you step back - a skull, a snake, and a butterfly are all associated with transformation and change. Sometimes different manifestations can give people the same end result.

So I’d say, even if some people start out spotting different things, no need to panic! Mindful readings tend to all end up in a similar place :grinning: :+1:

Agreed! :handshake: :heart: :blush: It’s one of the best benefits of a coven community - we’re here to help offer second opinions and help each other out :mage:

Much love and many blessings!


Very true, many thanks for pointing that out!

x Blessed Be x


Oh, I don’t :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: but it’s just like you said - doing these sort of interpretations can be fun for everyone! It’s a good way to practice different reading styles or spreads that I may not do myself. Thank you for the well wishes. :pink_heart: I’m doing my best to rest between school and everything else!


I know I’m a hypocrite for saying this because I rarely do, but take care of yourself sweetie xx

x Blessed Be x


We’re all pretty bad at taking our own advice :laughing: but I’ll do my best to rest and relax! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well, things just got interesting… turns out it wasn’t who I thought it was… well, it was and it wasn’t.

As I’ve said, I’m not new to the Craft or Divination etc., but I am new to working with Deities… and it started to get confusing. I worried about thanking the wrong Deity, or thanking one of them when the help came from a Guardian, there were signs and symbols everywhere pointing in different directions… so I decided to go right to the source and just ask.

After meditating yesterday, I shuffled the cards and told them that I wanted to have a conversation with any being who might be around; no more symbols and signs, they can answer yes or no themselves…old skool style. I wrote down the questions, cards and answers…

Honestly, I’m a little overwhelmed, I mean I was shocked when I thought Gaia wanted to work with me, but there are others too?? And do I ignore the reversed cards as I did, or was there meaning there too? For example, when I asked if Isis and Odin wanted to work with me, were they saying yes but that’s not the name I prefer? I wasn’t thinking about pantheons during the conversation to be honest, I just said names which came to me… expecting them to say no… I’m taking some time to process… my soul is excited and humbled and scared and my brain is like…

…brainache loading…

Anyway, I thought I’d post an update in case anyone wondered what happened, because I would… I really don’t like unfinished stories!

x Blessed Be x


Sounds a fun journey you got going there. My only contribution is if you want to know if it’s Odin, pull a rune. If you get :ansuz: then it’s possible as that’s his rune.

The above video may help in finding your patron deity if it’s a Norse one.

Skal :beers:


Interesting! :thinking: That’s a lot going on in one reading, for sure. Out of curiosity – because I’ve never been too good with tarot and yes/no questions – what is your system for those kinds of answers?

I don’t have any insight on the reading itself :sweat_smile: but it sounds like you’ve got quite the road ahead of you!


@tracyS thanks for the video hun, but I don’t have Norse runes I have Witch runes, which I consulted before but honestly, I’d thought I read them wrong. Then I started seeing the number 4 in the strangest places, and that’s often associated with Odin/Amun-Ra/Zeus/Jupiter from what I remember. I intend to read some of your Loki posts next week, I must say he intrigues and terrifies me lol!

@MeganB it wasn’t a reading, I just wanted to have a literal conversation with whoever may or may not have been there… from start to finish was about 10 mins, I just wanted answers lol. Ask the question, turn the card, write the answer, next question.

For a conversation, I don’t pay attention to the cards, just the Yes or No, because it helps the conversation to flow better. But I do write down every question verbatim and every card response, in case I need to review it later on or come back to it to remember exactly what I asked. And I usually shuffle the deck at least once during the conversation (not including cards already drawn); I guess that’s the self-doubt, my backup system to make sure I get the answers I’m supposed to get. Then I double-check with runes (although this time I did it the other way round), the pendulum and/or other people (such as your lovely self).

I agree, it sounds like a long road, but it will not be lonely, or boring!

x Blessed Be x


You’re going to have to start a post on those, we’d love to learn how they work :partying_face:

If you’re ok with chaos you’ll get on like a house on fire ( pun intended - he’s a fire god lol :laughing:).


Me, do a post on runes? I’m no expert lol! I’m sure there are loads of members who’ve been using them for years…

Erm… yeah, I’m kind of scared of Chaos magic :laughing:… I think I made someone’s nose bleed at university years ago, said I’d keep away from it… this could be extremely interesting lol!

x Blessed Be x


Don’t worry, Loki does all the hard work, we just hold on tight and enjoy the ride. :crazy_face:


I will definitely look into it, I think it’s the least I can do… who doesn’t love a fun ride :laughing:

Btw @MeganB, these are the kind of cards I use

x Blessed Be x