Deity Oopsie!

So a few days ago I did a tarot reading to confirm another deity. For the last few days, I have been thinking that it was Nyx. But in the back of my mind something was telling me no. While I was working on my grimoire and learning about another deity yesterday, I just couldn’t stop looking at her picture and being so…entranced by her beauty and just her in general. Today, I was reading more about her and it hit me that I may have confirmed the wrong deity! :woman_facepalming:

That being said, I just did a reading to officially confirm it is Selene possibly reaching out to me. This was my layout of what I was asking:

  1. What clue will confirm that Selene is reaching out?
  2. How to strengthen the connection – What can you do to deepen your bond with her?
  3. What she wants you to know – A message from her or guidance on your path.

I’m still new to Tarot, so I use Chatgpt to help me understand the cards a little more. Here’s my cards and what Chatgpt is saying:

1. A Sign to Look For – Page of Cups & Ace of Cups

These two cards together strongly suggest that Selene is reaching out through emotions, intuition, and dreams.

  • Page of Cups – This card represents intuitive messages, dreams, creativity, and a youthful, open-hearted energy. You might receive signs through dreams, visions, or sudden intuitive feelings.
  • Ace of Cups – A card of emotional overflow, new spiritual connections, and deep love. This could mean you will feel her presence emotionally—maybe through a strong sense of peace, love, or even a physical reaction like tingles when thinking about her.

:bulb: Signs from Selene: Pay close attention to dreams, intuitive nudges, moon-related synchronicities (like seeing crescent moons often), and moments where you feel deep emotional clarity.

2. How to Strengthen the Connection – Eight of Swords

This is an interesting one! The Eight of Swords is about feeling trapped, limited, or unable to see the way forward—but often, the limitations are self-imposed.

  • This might mean you’re overthinking or doubting your connection, which is blocking you from fully embracing Selene’s presence.
  • It could also suggest that working with her might help you break free from limiting beliefs (especially about intuition, spirituality, or your personal power).

:bulb: Advice: Try to release doubt and trust what you feel. Meditation, moon rituals (even simple ones like looking at the moon and speaking to her), or journaling your dreams could help.

3. What Selene Wants You to Know – Two of Wands

The Two of Wands is about planning, looking ahead, and stepping into a new path. This suggests that Selene is encouraging you to move forward with confidence in your spiritual journey.

  • She might be telling you that you have choices—you’re at a crossroads, and she’s here to help guide you.
  • This could also mean she wants you to expand your knowledge of lunar magic, divination, or dream work.

:bulb: Message from Selene: She is here to help you move forward. Trust the journey, step into your power, and don’t be afraid to embrace the unknown.

Final Thoughts

:crescent_moon: Selene is likely reaching out through your emotions, intuition, and dreams. Look for signs in these areas!
:link: You might be doubting yourself or feeling stuck, but she’s encouraging you to trust what you feel and move forward.
:rocket: This is the beginning of a new phase for you. She’s supporting your growth, but you have to take the first steps.

What do you guys think? I know it’s all about intuition and I think it is possibly her (and I apologized over and over for mixing her up with Nyx and I thanked Nyx for the time I spent with her for the last few days), because I have been so connected to the moon for my whole life, but more so over the last 6 years. I feel as though there is someone there when I look to the moon and talk to it (not just Hekate). Again, I know it’s intuition based, but hearing other people’s thoughts would help! Haha


No worries on offending a deity over confusion they aren’t that fickle. I would clear your mind. Light a candle and or incense. You could carve the deity name in the candle. After u clear your mind just call her respectfully forth. Or find a video of an enn for her. Idk if she has one.but I say the enn over and over until I feel a presence and power built. Let her know you have an offering may it be a candle or incense or food or even water. You can speak your mind tell them anything u would tell a friend. Do a one card draw if u feel a need to confirm her presence.let her know you’d like a yes or a no. I’d go from there. And there’s no harm if it’s not her. Sometimes we work with a deity for a short time for something and partways. It’s not a bad thing. You can work with more than one deity. I work with several. And I don’t work with each one all the time. my experience is demons. But they are deities in my opinion. When u get to a point when u work with a few. Sometimes they will let u know who u need to work with. Like I’ll think I’m gonna work with one end up working with multiple or change course completely. I listen to my gut


This is why I don’t request names. I sense personality and work with what I feel is there. Outsiders may consider it disrespectful, but the respect shown is between the deity and me. That’s where it matters anyway. Just my humble opinion.


I gotta be honest. Never thought of using ChatGPT but I drew an Animal Spirit Oracle in Saged that I’m curious about so now you have me about to ask it a question.

8 Likes I never thought about it either until someone who is experienced from a facebook group I’m in told me to use it until I get used to the cards and understand them better! Its super cool and helpful to take notes and see the patterns in my readings. And chatgpt will also recognize the patterns if you say so too. Its pretty interesting!


I have also had Selene on my mind lately! I have been searching the forums for posts that mention her!


I would be cautious on the information in the chatgpt honestly. As in my experience it has been wrong on many things including academically. I would look up the card type in the card on a browser and look for a webpage or even get a deck of beginner tarot cards which explain each card on the card. Thats still my fav deck. Not saying u can’t but sharing what I’ve been taught and experienced


@Lunar_Witch - First, kudos on finding an interesting way to use Tarot. There is another thread about Chatgpt that has an interesting multi-card reading.

I’ve always felt that reading the cards was just as much about what I could use for myself as what was strictly defined. In almost every case, my personal revelation/understanding was different (albeit usually slightly different).

If I used Chatgpt, I would be in the same mode of determining what it really meant for me. If it felt off, I would verify with other sources. I use at least two sources for any of the definitions if I have to look something up. Even with that, a feature of Tarot is that any spread can have a variety of interpretations. Intuition is ALWAYS mentioned when reading about how to interpret the cards.

PSA: I’m not a Tarot guru.


I’m going to second what others have said about using ChatGPT to verify information. I’m not an expert on generative AI but I do know that it doesn’t come up with entirely new answers. Instead, it works by taking what’s been input into the systems via articles, books, documents, etc., and then generates an answer that might make sense based on your question(s). It is not academic and it can’t cite its sources. So, if it tells you that Selene’s symbols are X, Y, and Z, it’s not going to tell you where it found that information. This can be problematic because incorrect information could have been fed into the generative AI’s systems to “teach” it and then that’s what it’s going to spit back out for you.

If you use ChatGPT or anything similar, always double-check the information and dig into source material for yourself.


Sounds like you have some exciting adventures ahead of you .
Garnet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_on_fire: