Do you Astral Travel?

I was able to accomplish it once by meditation. I was so excited about it I accidentally slammed back into my body. I haven’t been able to repeat the experience though. I still try but no further success. Binaural beats and guided you tube meditation hasn’t worked for me.
One important tenant of the experience is to focus on your breathing and clear your mind. My job is stressful, I can’t help bringing it home with me in ny thoughts and I am unable to properly clear my thoughts.
Good luck on your journey. It is real.


I traveled in my teen years a few times without any intention. The floating, disconnected feeling just felt flat wrong, like I had just crossed into someplace I was unprepared for. I will leave it alone until I have a solid foundation built with the universal energies. However without intention I have l seperated from my physical body on several occasions but only under medical induction. When I had my appendix removed I watched from above as they operaated. I remeber the feeling of floating around the OR tucked into the corner. I could feel the dr and nurses brush past me and shiver as their physical bodies passed through my energy “field”. Then 5 years ago when I had a run in with a semi on the freeway as they took me from the ambulance I floated along the side of my physical form on the gurney. It is definatley a practice of the craft that I would like to learn but I think it is a gift thats there for us to utalize when we need to watch over ourselves. Before I began to practice my craft I just assumed I was having drug induced lucid dreams but over the years I have reflected back many times on those experiences and know I was in scary situations and was just protecting myself. Its amazing the gifts we have locked away just waiting for us to open to them.


I don’t remember because it was a long time ago, maybe I was 9 or 12 years old, but these children were creeps lol… And then I went to a curandeira or a witchdoctor. She recommended my mom to clean my bedroom with lavender essence and also put a camphor tablet on my bed storage box or any furniture close to my bed. The curandeira healed my spiritual problem. I didn’t astral travel anymore before of this weird experience.


I don’t see Astral travel as something to be cured from. If it is an illness; I want a real bad case of it.


It’s probably great if you can control it but if it comes spontaneously that could be really dangerous. I was thinking of the Astral Travel Podcast and sagedove’s experience with astral traveling as a child. I think it can be scary too.


Yes, I can Astral travel, I don’t know how I do it. I’ve be been doing it since I was a child.


That’s amazing, @marsha! It sounds like you have a natural talent for astral travel :blush: If you have any tips for those who are learning/giving it a first attempt- please feel free to share your wisdom! :pray::heart:


Yes, many times, it is a matter of total relaxation, from your toes to the top of your head (crown chakra). When you have relaxed deeply enough, you picture your ‘spirit/soul’ leaving your body. Then, you fly! The first time I did it I saw miles of corn fields, then mountains, valley’s & clear clean lakes. When I felt the need to land, I slowly floated down. There were massive sculptured lawns & cobblestone walkways & ahead a wonderful oval building, made of white marble. There were wide stairs across the front, leading to many pillars, rather reminiscent of Greek or Egyptian in design. The actual entrance was 12 foot or taller, double doors that opened with big round rings, but as I went to touch one, the doors swung open. I entered a room that was cavernous. There was a huge old fashioned fireplace with a fire, there were 2 wine colored wing back chairs facing the fire. Walking on, I found the most amazing library! 3 stories of beautiful books. There were 2 reclining couches to lay & read upon.
White sheer curtains lifted in the breeze & caught my eye. Walking to them, I found them covering huge opening in the marble, I slipped through the curtains & found myself on a huge veranda surrounded by a hip high stone wall. Looking over it, I found I was at the top of a high cliff, over-looking a sandy beach & a blue green sea. I stayed there a long time before returning to my body. Did more happen, yes, but I hold it close to my heart.


Years ago, I had a dream that I was a dragon flying through the night sky over major cities like New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, and so forth. Usually when I dream of flying I have trouble taking off or staying in the air, but this time, I was able to fly… higher and higher. I could see everything and no matter how treacherous the weather was, I didn’t fall back down to earth. I felt powerful, free, and most of all, at peace. :peace_symbol: The dream felt incredibly real and I have to wonder now if this was my first experience with astral travel. :thinking:


It may have been your first experience, or lucid dreaming. If possible always write down you dreams. Sweet dreams


What a beautiful experience @Garnet- it sounds like you explored some lovely places and found a personal sanctuary :heart: Thank you for sharing! :blush:

A lovely dream, @Kasandra- it could have definitely been a lucid dream or astral travel! :dizzy:

Cheers, Stephanie- I also struggle to fly in my dreams. I’ve found my ability to fly in dreams is directly connected to my mental state :brain: . When I feel weighed down by things like anxiety and stress, I can’t fly in my dreams (lucid or not).

But if I dream after doing a wholesome meditation or self-care ritual (when I’m feeling good and confident)- suddenly in my dreams it’s much easier to spread my wings and take flight :dove::grin:


My doctor changed my anxiety meds and I felt like I was brain dead for years. I lost my magick and that’s the thing I missed most. I had put together several books (just for me.) and read some of them, they really motivated me again, I have one that’s Egyptian some spells but mostly reading, one that’s wolves and one that’s dragons. To say 'I had forgotten how.), or suppressed my spiritual self. And most of you know what I mean.
Those of you whose ‘mojo’ has gone cold? Don’t let the opinion’s distaste or hostility of others destroy your spirit. That is the one thing that is yours alone. I just smiled sweetly and began my journey once again.
You are not weird or crazy, just dance to a different drummer. So listen to your music and dance, children, dance!


My friend who’s a sortof Zen Buddhist witch knows how to do this. I’ll have to ask him more about it. Personally, I’m kindof scared of it. Sometimes as I fall asleep I know my soul is leaving my body and wandering places, and when it falls back into the body, it’s that horrible feeling you get of falling, which seems like a dream state/nightmare. But it’s actually the soul going back into the body, IMO.


This past thread has closed. To learn more and continue the discussion about astral travel, come visit the Astral Travel & Astral Projection Masterpost :dizzy: