I understand and have made oil blends but I am wondering if anyone has created their own essential oils. What is involved and is it worth the time and energy, it to do or just go to the store or ordder some online. Thank you in advance sending love and hugs to everyone who wants one.
Its a big process I had to YouTube it before
Much easier to buy it
It’s a long difficult process. I just buy mine off Amazon.
Tagging in @Artemisia I think she knows about oils.
I do make a basic one, which is olive oil as your base oil, then you take lemon or orange peel, boil that peel, drain the juice and add it to the olive oil. Anything fancier than that, no clue
As others have said, making your own essential oils is a long and arduous task. It usually isn’t done by the common person because it takes a lot of plant material to make and, usually, bigger equipment.
The most common method of essential oil creation is through steam distillation. This involves having a steam distiller - I’ve read that the average yield for oils through this process is about 0.1% meaning you would need 1000lbs of flower petals to make a pound of essential oil. The Wikipedia article for essential oils has a few other methods of essential oil creation that you might look into.
Exactly this. Making your own essential oils requires distilling equipment and a huge amount of plant material to get a little EO. Hence why it’s expensive to buy.
Making hydrosol is less complicated but still requires special equipment.
Then there’s always making infused oils which is the easiest but it’s not very concentrated.
Thanks everyone for answering
@john1 @MeganB @tracyS @Artemisia and @Mystique
You all rock!!! I appreciate you and your knowledge
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