Does it mean anything when a candle wick is buried in wax?

I’ve been using jarred candles and sometimes it seems like the wick could easily be put out by the wax itself. It hasn’t happened yet, but I was wondering, does it have any kind of meaning if it does happen, or could I just dig it out and keep going?


Very common with single wick jar candles. It is due to the high volume of wax that the single flame has to vaporize. That is why largr or higher end jar or pillar candles have multiple wicks.
I’ve never had a wick drown yet, though the low flame makes for very slow burning.

I don’t see anything wrong with scooping a bit of wax from the edges around te glass wall to lower the wax level between uses for a candle that is used multiple times such as an altar candle.

If it does drown itself, I don’t see it having any meaning.

However, be mindful of the candles purpose. Some MUST burn to the end without interruption for certain spells until it burns itself out.
That being said, use an appropriate sized candle for each spell when possible. Short on time? Use a tea light candle, birthday candle or tapper candle.

There are quite a number candle rules and just as many opinions on what is right, so I’ll stop here and welcome any others who have their view on this share.

Hope this helps.

Merry meet and merry part.


Most jar candles commonly made today are made with wax that is way too hard for single flames to contend with. if this happens often you can place the candle in boiling water till it melts then add some petroleum jelly or mineral oil to the hot wax. Start tiny 1/4th teaspoon for a small jar candle this cuts the hardness of the wax lowering its melting point. by doing this the wick is able to melt and vaporize the wax better. Most container waxes sold on the market today are premade blends for this for making jar-style candles. I suggest instead of using a wick use a length of thick copper wire or coated coathanger wrapped around a pencil and then hung in the center of the candle as it cools. this will allow the wax to harden and shrink better and lower the amount of center dip caused during the cooling process as well as hold better when you pour in more wax to fill the divot caused by the cooling process. Note that there is no truely one pour wax of any type.


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