Early Beginnings in Creative/Personal Mythology

We’re happy you find it so, and we sense absolute zero sarcasm in it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s a hard thing for people to relate to usually, and can sound scary, which is the last thing we want to come across as (except Lilith and one other playfully sometimes :sweat_smile:), so we tend to be careful about mentioning it. We can function as one individual believably enough so that it works out that way :sweat_smile: I’d like to think that getting to know us is like peeling an onion, or watching a flower open :blush: You’re definitely the first I’ve opened up to this quick :heartpulse:

It feels just right to us too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

She would like it very much! :blush: :black_heart:
And we’d all be very curious how she and the Lilith you know relate or if they do :revolving_hearts:

Ohhh, we think we get that very well :sparkles:
It was like that with us too… some part of it was from living in our mind a lot, and even that mind was on the other side of the computer screen most of the time. We still do that part, it’s what makes our flow even more flow-y. We’ve heard of the Japanese Starcraft players, who have the very real risk of being so immersed in the game they actually forget that they have a body to take care of.

Another part of it is trauma related dissociation… being the lovable weirdo that we are, we were bullied in high school a lot, and we really didn’t want to be in our body, as some of it was physical too. It’s something that we’ve been working on for years in therapy. And something we feel passionately about, how seriously more effort should be made to put a stop to it in schools.

For us it wasn’t really until I found a therapist with a somatic approach and training in dance and movement therapy, that the Gordian knot really started opening. Body and mind together, not separately. The limbic system that has to do with emotions can lock out the cerebrum, that is needed for our cognitive reasoning. Further the brainstem, the sensorymotor core where our instincts live, can lock out both. To be effective whenever that happens (fight or flight), the approach has to be bottom-up, from the body rather than the mind. How we breathe, the tension in our muscles, how open we sit or stand, it all has an effect. Nutrition too, though that’s not really something we’ve got into yet, our impulse eating goes deep… if we’re craving it it must be what our body needs :sweat_smile:

Tantra has helped a lot too, the practical kind in the classes is very body-centered. We’ve heard the term “the soul landing into the body”, we don’t know if it’s tantra or something else, but it’s beautifully descriptive :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It sounds like her, she’s very happy hearing that :joy: :black_heart: We really appreciate you answering, as it went very personal. That also said, if you want a moderator move this thread to Sacred Space, you only need to ask :heart:

That’s also very close to our experience! :heart: Despite our flirtiness and open talk about sexual things, we’re more like demisexual, especially when it comes to what people usually mean when they talk about sex, contact of certain parts. Other kinds of closeness and intimate things, much more open to. Mostly with other girls, we’ve found.

We’d love to go into more detail, but it would have to be in Sacred Space, with the appropriate content warnings… forum rules, not mine :joy:

We’d love to see that one open for you, maybe Lilith could help you there :black_heart: We know neurobiology is what it is, but with the Goddesses everything is possible… :blush: :sparkling_heart:

That’s good advice, thank you :heart:
I recognize the feeling of “what am I getting out of this”, especially having to travel a bit somewhere. It could be a good thing to say out loud, that every meeting is a unique one, there may be ones that you just sit through tired and don’t say much, and then there may be those that leave you in awe for days, and everything in between :revolving_hearts:

Is that from the Walpurgisnacht music video by Faun? Because I just love that! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I wouldn’t mind leading a cult like that, singing and dancing around fires for the Goddess :smiling_face: :silver_heart:

Sounds cute! :smile_cat:

I think that’s just completely normal food :innocent:
Now the Dracula stuff, maybe, I don’t know! :joy:


Awww thank you, Celestia! :heart: :hugs:

Thank you! :two_hearts:

I primarily use a program called Canva! It’s web-based and has a free version. It’s not the best for making videos, but for still graphics and even gifs it’s a great tool :grinning:

And it isn’t it exciting how, through looking back, we can see how far we’ve come? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m with you, Katerina- it’s a lot of fun to think about old topics again and see how our thoughts have grown and developed along with us! :blush:

No worries! When you use the “quote” function to quote someone it doesn’t always appear labeled as a reply on the post itself, but it is linked to the original post (which shows replies beneath it) and the person being quoted gets a notification that their post was responded to- so it’s all good! :grinning: :+1:

Dance, mushroom, dance! :mushroom: :dancer: :joy: :heart:


This sounds like such a wonderful goal to work toward as a society… [sigh] I wish that it’s something possible within our lifetime, or at least my daughter’s lifetime! To live a life without having to worry about food, housing, healthcare, and so much more sounds like a life I’d love to live!


As much as I’ve learnt to love onions, I think I’ll go with… hmm… a galaxy of stars. :milky_way:

They’re always there, but sometimes the light from where we’re standing on earth makes them harder or impossible to see. Then someone slowly dims the lights. And they can only do so because they feel safe enough to, mind you. But as the lights dim, one by one, the stars start appearing in all their splendour. :sparkles:

You’ve now also heard of me. :joy: My teens and early 20s were like that. Especially my teens, as I would forget to eat entirely. Now less so, because I have work breaking up the day and forcing me to sleep.

I’m sorry that happened to you. :black_heart: It was a terrible time and place for me, too. Weirdo solidarity! :muscle:

(I keep saying “you”… That works as a plural, right?)

I had a lot of things to fix with this, but I’ve been making a lot of progress over the past few years with them, for which I’m proud. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

… And that was the last sentence I wrote before falling asleep, so I have to read my reply thus far and catch up with myself. :joy: Let’s see…

I find many things are, too. :smile: It comes across weird to others sometimes, but I prefer that to making anyone have to guess at subtext. When knowing is important, anyway.

Yes, it is! It’s just in black and white. :smile:

In den abendhimmel steigen
Heute nacht die zauberweisen
Wildes volk und Liliths art
Lauernd winde heimlich fahrt
Lasst uns zu den feuern streifen
Raunend nach den sternen greifen

Yep. I like some “weird” foods, but I suppose that’s not one of them. :smile:

Oh! The Australian company. I interviewed for a front-end engineer job there once, and the office was really nice. They let me stay for lunch with them because the interview was right before their in-house chefs had finished cooking. :smile:

Ohhh, that explains it. Thanks, that’s good to know!



Same. We have so much hate to move past… But I have hope that humanity might reach it someday. :black_heart:


That is a really beautiful and enchanting image~ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :milky_way:

Thank you :pray: :black_heart:
We (you and us) survived that too, to one day talk about it with another sweet weirdo on the other side of the world, no longer as the all-encompassing heavy blanket of suffering pressing down on our chest, but as a (hopefully) distant thing in the past :blush: :black_heart:

It does, thank you for asking :heart:

We’re happy to hear about your progress there and proud of you as well :hugs: :heart:

The floaty thing could be that there’s still more progress to be made, or it could be that you’re naturally more in touch with the nonphysical. We’ve found that there are huge differences between individuals here… some are gentle fairy-like beings barely leaving footprints, while others are Gaia-like earthy, rooted individuals, and everything in between… :heartpulse:

Definitely! :smile_cat:
We’ve got very good with subtext, or found out that we are, despite being told otherwise growing up… it comes with the sharp intuition for us, we feel. Another skill that’s definitely useful for organizing events now that we think about it :blush: We wouldn’t mind sounding like Captain Obvious to some people, if it does help others :sweat_smile:

We love dancing to that song and singing along :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dancer:
Also it’s one of our girlfriend’s favorites (and the whole Luna album!), she’s not a witch herself but loves that we are :blush: :heartpulse:

(And her second name is Luna… we still don’t believe in coincidences! :smile_cat: :silver_heart:)

We’ll get there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I think I was kind of inspired by the image in my head of Lilith wearing a veil of the night sky, similar to Nyx. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And I am curious and excited to explore more of what I am. :black_heart:

Oh, yeah, for sure. Well, now you’re really going to have to get the group going again, aren’t you? :joy:

And it really is a beautiful word/name.

The association of the moon with its goddesses is a fascinating subject for me. Perhaps this connection is in part it is due to the association of the menstrual cycle with the monthly lunar cycle. I believe mensis means “month” in Latin, which has roots in the Ancient Greek mene for “moon”. Meanwhile, in Chinese, the term for this cycle starts with yuè 月 “moon” as well. Hence, perhaps, why there are so many moon goddesses, from Selene to Cháng’é 嫦娥. Even Artemis, Hekate, and Isis ended up with lunar aspects.


That’s a lovely image as well :smiling_face: :black_heart:

So am I, it’s an endless adventure :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think I am, I’ll tell you how it goes! :wink: :sparkles:

It really is :smiling_face: :silver_heart:

The way I see that connection is that the Moon creates the tides, which associates her with water. Water is in turn associated with blood, flow and nectar, and the lunar cycle matching with the menstrual cycle in length strengthens the association. Then there’s the connection with water and emotion, and the fluctuating hormone levels during the cycle strengthening that connection. The Moon, night and darkness are linked too, and are often seen as linked to the feminine, as opposed to the Sun, day and light to the masculine. And with the history of masculine rule in it’s shadow aspect, femininity has been misunderstood, undervalued and ruled over, gold over silver, the Sun over the Moon. One has had the privilege of boldly parading its values in broad daylight, while the other has been hiding in the shadows and the moonlight hours, biding its time. The beautiful and the horrible walk hand in hand, like it so often is here in the duality. :silver_heart:

(And I want to specify that the last part is not about feminine being beautiful and masculine being horrible, that’s not how I see it at all. Healthy and realized masculinity standing in its gentle and firm power can be something really beautiful too :blush: :heart:)


Wow that’s incredible for one so young :smiley:


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