Energy Exchange Circle 🤗 February 13th

I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. :cry: In 2012, my best friend was suffering from depression. It was heartbreaking to hear someone so smart and talented say how worthless they felt. But she’s doing better now and I have faith that the same will be true for you someday, @praecog29 :smiley:
I’ve lit a candle for you on my altar tonight. :candle: May Apollo’s healing light brighten all your days. :sparkles:


Thank you. :pray: My therapist was able to fit me in Feb 25th. I’ll see my other docs next week. The candles are much appreciated and so is the love and light being sent my way. It certainly helps while I get back on my feet.


@praecog29 Thank you for opening up to us and letting us know how you are, it’s difficult to open ourselves up sometimes. Im keeping you in my thoughts and sending positive loving light to you. :purple_heart:
Blessed Be Friend,


Good luck today at the doctor’s. I’ll be rooting for you!


Thank you, everyone, for your love and light. After seeing my therapist on Thursday and setting up a plan with my other medical professionals for next week, Friday was a much better day for me. I slept through the night last night and I woke up ready to take on the day today.

Kasie, Tamera, Stephanie, Nick, Krissie, and Brianna, thank you specifically for your words and for the magic used to help stabilize my mind while we waited on the science to help, too. I still need an adjustment to my meds but knowing you are here for me gives me the boost I need. I love you, coven.

I am closing this topic and I will create a new Energy Exchange Circle for February 27th within the next few hours. Blessings to you all.