I have a question about what you do in the morning. I have a few different teas blueberry hibiscus and rose are 2 of my favorites, however before I stir them I draw sigils in them with my honey. Am I the only one or do a lot of people do this.
I draw oracle cards & write in my journals
I do that at night however I see how in the morning you have fresh on mind and spirit what your night was like. Thank you
Honestly, my morning routine is to get up and get people ready for work and school and stuff and then get to work. Sometimes I have time to light a candle right now and others I barely have time to take 5 breaths to myself lol so it depends a lot on what I’m doing that day. One consent of my morning is coffee. Sometimes I have a moment to say a blessing over my coffee as I’m making it and sometimes I don’t.
I also homeschool my daughter and my nephew while working from home do my days tend to be very chaotic and overwhelming.
I do my ritual, draw a circle, invite the corners, helpers, and spiral inside and out. When I have to be early at work I do this for a short time. When I am free I take my time, and other things can happen spontaneously.
Specially when I go to work I feel more protected during my day. If I don’t do this, I notice it. There is a difference! When I have time enough I draw tarot or oracle cards and place them on my altar
I make time to meditate in the morning and when I need it, I will draw a sigil, either in my journal, the air, on a random piece of paper or in my tea/coffee, yes. When I had littles at home, I woke up extra early to do this, and it kinda stunk because I’m not a morning person, but I usually regretted not getting my time in the morning to center myself if I had to skip it for any reason. I think it could be done mid morning, any time in afternoon, evening or after kids go night night even. It’s all about need and intention!
I am in the process of rebuilding my routines to incorporate more spiritual and self-love practices. Currently, here is my routine:
- Wake and stretch before getting out of bed.
- Let my dogs out and feed them and my cats.
- Shower, dress, hair, and quick make-up (while doing glamour spells most days)
- Meditation session - 15-30 minutes depending on what exactly I’m doing
- Tarot draws - daily 3 cards and deity pulls if they have messages
- Journaling
- Pack up and head to “work”, i.e. my MH that serves as my office that is in the next RV spot.
- Turn on lights and computer; turn A/C down
- Make coffee - I stir mine after I’ve added sugar and creamer with a cinnamon stick while citing my daily affirmations. I then draw a spirit-activating pentagram.
I plan to add prayers/ritual activities in the near future.
wow busy as a bee your must be blessed with extra energy
I wish I wasn’t so lazy in the morning I don’t want to get up more than a hour before work
when mine where little they thought it was fun to draw in their milk with honey now my son wife is asking for old stuff and books and she is learning
I like that it seems so organized I guess my kids grew up but my brain is stuck in um yeah mode
After I’ve caught up on my reading and done my medicine I set out today’s crystals and do a ritual I created. Sometimes I meditate and pull a tarot card and sometimes I’ll do more, it just depends on my time. Like on Thursday I’ll do the Group Ritual.
After I’ve closed out the ritual if I’m physically able I’ll exercise and then journal. Then I’ll start to go about my day.
Haha, won’t lie I have those days! And no one to blame it on but myself. Those are days where if I can remember to eat I’m doing good.
I have ADHD so I’ve found is best for me to have an organized task list of “things I need to do” for my routines. I have one for my morning and within on one for my evening. I plan to add in weekly, Sabbats, Esbats, etc but that’s still a long way off. I actually have these programmed into an app I use called Fabolous. You create rituals and add tasks to them. When your alarm goes off, it starts your first task. It helps my ADHD brain remember things.
haha not extra energy, just the desire to live and keep moving forward out of spite for my mental illness and the desire to make others happy I wish it was extra energy!
I draw a protection sigil in my coffee as I’m stirring and saying my prayer over it.
do you use the Crowley Coffee Consecration?
I have the same issue, I barely have time for anything and I can’t get up any earlier or I start a daisy chain of pets and people who get up with me and then want attention. I like the idea of a coffee ritual. My coffee maker is right below the shelf where I keep my kitchen witch!
I don’t use the coffee consecration. Usually it’s just a simple burst of energy over my coffee with some words of affirmation like “Today will be productive and peaceful.” or something similar. Or it’s just me hovering my hands over my coffee, infusing it with the energy of my visualizations of what I want for the day.
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