First spell

So I felt like sharing that I did my first spell today. I used the selenite wand I bought a while back to cast a protective circle and followed my intuition throughout but based the spell roughly off of a spell someone had posted. I asked permission from the person I did it for first. I am intrigued to see how it pans out. I have written down my spell in my book of shadows as well. Is there any advice on how to follow up this spell or what to expect. It was a family member I did an anti anxiety spell pouch that they can carry with them. I made sure to cleanse everything before and after the spell. I felt that I was ready for my first spell. It felt so natural and my intuition on what was needed guided me throughout it. I felt the need to share my thoughts with my spells8 family.
All the best


Congratulations on your first spell! I hope it works well for them. That’s a nic thing to do for them.


This might sound ironic for an anti-anxiety spell, but my advice is to not worry about it! Let it go, be patient, and focus on something else. That way your conscious will not override the magic.


Thanks guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@terri6 BRAVO and you did great! After a spell it takes time and patience to manifest, and f you gave the person a spell pouch, that will stay with them for some time and continue working. After a few weeks you can give them a new one, or get the pouch back and re energize the intention, but until then, you did good and congrats!! :tada:


Congratulations on casting your first spell! :heart: That’s such an exciting time and I’m proud of you for jumping in and helping your family member out :sparkles: Good for you!

Since you did the spell for another person, you won’t really know the effects of the spell unless your family member tells you. My advice would be to give it about a week and then check in with them and see how they’re doing. The only way you’re going to know if it really worked is if they tell you about the effects :blush:

Congratulations and great job! :clap:


Hi Jan, Thank you for the tip. I will definitely re energise the pouch in a few weeks. Any advise on how to do this? Or is it literally just holding it and directing my intent to the pouch?
Many thanks and blessings


Hi Megan,
I have always had a strong instinct to help those in need and really struggle with not being able to help someone or at least not in the way I feel I should have. There has been a few of those recently but I am getting help with it and slowly starting to accept I can’t help everyone.
I will definitely check in and see how it is helping in a few weeks though. Thank you for the advice.
All the best and Blessings


@terri6 I typically add a new ingredient or more of whatever is in the jar/pouch or shake it weekly to focus for a quicker and interim boost, or place them on my altar with candles, incense, and refreshed intentions for a “full charge”. Some people don’t feel the need to refresh them at all but I always do, it’s up to you. Use similar language to what you used when you enacted the spell, modified for the refresh activity. Blessed be! :orange_heart:

Of course you could replace the entire bag with a new one/ swap it out too. If it’s working out as intended, you may not want to swap it out though.


Congratulations!! That first spell is so special!


Congratulations! So exciting! :two_hearts:


Apologies for being a bit late to this, but I wanted to say congrats on your first spell, @terri6! :partying_face: :heart: A huge congrats to you- it sounds like it went really well and that you were able to help your family member. Bravo and well done! :sparkles: