🕯️ Flickering Magic: How to Read Candle Flames, Meanings and Interpretations

When I was first learning the ways of Wicca in a Coven; one of the Homework assignments was sitting in a very dark room with incense burning and observing, meditating on a burning candle. The exercise is about visualization.
The goal was to memorize the end of the burning candle and then closing my eyes and seeing it again in my eye. It was so dark that only the end was visible.


Thank you, @Francisco. I was wondering about these things the other day and here you’ve put this together for all of us. Bookmarked for the time I’ll definitely need it. :grin:


Yes! I love divination practice the most!!


Look at all this useful information! I need to pick up other divination practices. I may try the candle wax scrying. Thank you!


Thanks Francisco,
Never knew what the flames meant and you read my mind thanks so much! We are very excited to do this new challenge! I wrote it in my book of Mirrors! And thanks for the pdf for our BOS!


Thanks for the comments! I’m glad the page was useful too! I had fun researching all the different possibilities in the candle-flame reading.

I’m excited about the Element Water Weekly Challenge! :droplet: Probably a very good chance to try other forms of scrying…!


I saw a wavering flame & it was a good flame!


That’s a great homework assignment, @john4! :blush: Sometimes people post about struggling to get into meditation/visualization practices- candle meditation is a great and beginner-friendly way to get started! It’s also very relaxing too :woman_in_lotus_position::candle:

Ohhhh water, crystal, or maybe even ice scrying would go hand-in-hand with the current challenge! :star_struck::droplet: I’m also very excited to see everyone’s water-themed magickal talents come to life :grin:


Cool post :strawberry::strawberry::strawberry::strawberry:


Welcome, @taylor13! :two_hearts:

So glad you liked this post- for you (and anyone else!) who is looking for a continuation of the fire magick Francisco talks about above, Silverbear recently posted a great topic about Scrying with Smoke :fire::cloud:

Happy fire magick! :candle::blush:


Hi @taylor13! It’s great to meet you! I hope you have a great time & enjoy everything about Spells8! I look forward to talking to you more in the forums!


I love candles - only burn them for ritual though… I am a little afraid of having them burning around the house…(especially after the night of the black candle explosion) This is AWESOME information. I am so grateful for the hard work and effort to organize this knowledge for us @Francisco !
Reading about the dripping wax divination and my mind went nuts thinking about making pictures by floating different colored wax droplets and seeing if I could then lift the image onto cardboard…Yea… I think I missed the point on that one… anyway…
I admire ALL of you with divination skills. I think I need to try @john4 's suggestion of sitting in a dark room with a lit candle and meditating. That may help calm my busy brain.


The artist in you is shining through, Berta! :grin: I bet your creative talents could make some stunning wax art- I would love to hear how it goes if you ever decide to give it a try! :candle: :framed_picture: :two_hearts:


@praecog29 I found it! The candle we were discussing, has a large, straight up, flickering/dancing flame. It’s a good sign that it is working. I think. @Francisco could probably clarify, but from what I read it means that it is working for the person that it was lit for.


@Francisco , thank you very useful information, great to know. I always wondered, if the way a flame burned, meant anything.


Thank you, Krissie! Oh no. :rofl: I had it bookmarked the whole time. I need to bookmark the bookmark page so I remember to view it. My list in there keeps growing! LOL


I am guilty of that too. I have bookmarks & I am always forgetting to look at them. I should probably see what is in there too. :rofl:


A post was split to a new topic: New To The Group

Well I just read this and wanted to share my recent experience. I made a candle in an empty 7 day jar. There just happened to be a roll of string on the counter. Normally I use pure cotton but I was in a hurry to get it done, dealing w post-COVID exhaustion have to push a lot. Anyway…part of what happened next is definitely related to the wick.
I wanted a hex candle to check the actions of a committed enemy. Over time and too close proximity, I eventually was face-to-face with a demon masquerading as a friend. He and his family were staying on my property, and because of surgery and illness I was diminished. He used this opportunity to create chaos and destruction in my life, as is his way. It took a lot to get him out, thankfully the city intervened and helped with his eviction. (Skipping details).
That was my impetus for the hex, because even after moving elsewhere he still seeks to intervene in my peace; it inspires him to further acts of random harm.
Back to the candle:
So the candle flared when I lit it, then a large section of the wick just poofed up and went out. There was a slumping cavern leading to a teeeny wick, almost buried in wax sides. Hmmm. I poked at it a few times, lit it again. Whoa. Poked more and lit again. Flicker, struggle. The next day I leveled the wax and lit one more time. It finally caught strong, but flicker flicker. I kept an eye on it; by the following day the candle was at least half gone or more with a big huge black smokestack around the top of the glass. Huh? By that evening I could smell this foul nasty stench coming from it all thru the house so I thought enough is enough, its gone. I took it outside to where he had stored his beloved car and went to pour out the stinking wax prior to extinguishing it. As i tipped the glass close to the ground it sort of exploded. HOE-LEE! So I thought, well, I’ll deal with this manana. And i did.
So the NEXT evening it seemed as if he came by. I couldn’t see that well, but there was a super loud car engine very nearby (his signature chariot of doom is a blown engine chevy hot rod) and then I saw a black car he (did) own slowly driving by. Also found 5 dead rats in my bedroom I am not kidding.
Then yesterday I heard that his black car was repossesed. Bring on the bad luck dude, you got it coming and then some.
You’ve done your worst to me. Now it’s my turn. Sorry but that’s how it is here. No rainbows and lollipops right now. Serious.


Thanks for sharing your experience, @Sara5! :blush: I don’t use hexes in my own practice (and that’s some scary stuff that happened after the spell!) but I can appreciate when justice finds its way to those who deserve it. And I’m grateful for your notes on the flickering flame during your spellwork- it’s interesting to hear about! :candle::star_struck: