For the Love of the Moon: A Selene Night Ritual

Yes… anything that gets that emotional energy out of the body is good. Crying, shaking, rage, furious exercise, catharctic sex… it’s so weird how most of these good and normal things are seen as… not so by our society. Almost like someone wants us tense and at the point of breakdown.


I’ve already thought this for quite sometime. Noone teaches how to emotionally take care of our selves to protect from disease and conditions brought on by stress and trauma. I feel like they just want us to stay stuck in this cycle so we don’t realize the truth and stop working for them all. If only we had access to things that already exist like zero point energy we’d have unlimited energy. They may fool some but not me. There’s a way to completely heal someone from cancer easily painlessly but it’s not accessible to to the general public.


Aww, thank you all for your kind words. :silver_heart:

It does feel like I needed the peace.

Yep, just like everyone here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Not to overstep my bounds too much, but… If you have to visit the chiropractor once a week, it doesn’t seem like it’s working for you? I mean, it’s only working long enough to keep you going until the next visit.

Have you considered seeing a physiotherapist instead? The initial visits will be regular, but once they’ve identified any issues, given you the exercises to help, and seen that you’re doing them properly, you can stop seeing them. The point being that they’ve given you the tools to take care of yourself after just a few months, instead of just patching you up until the next visit. Which also ends up cheaper in the long run, too, because less visits and you actually fix the underlying issues.

Yoga is so good for core strength. I’m not surprised that you don’t need the massages as much anymore! It’s quite the holistic exercise. :black_heart:

Me, too. @Devenne is… Sorry, for overusing the word now, but she’s such a treasure. She’s got such a wonderful balance. Enthusiasm, determination, curiosity, and fire, but also care, devotion, and compassion. :fire: :droplet: :sparkles:

I’m glad she can release these things. :black_heart:

To be fair, not many people know. Those who raised me were trapped in their own bullshizzle and still haven’t learnt to deal with it. That doesn’t mean I forgive them, but I do understand why they ended up being horrible people. They never had that moment in life to snap them out of it, though.

(Blurred: Politics)

On a higher level… Yes. People running things only care about what’s profitable. Hence why I’m so against this profit-driven system. Economics is a matter of the distribution of resources and the way ours are distributed is extremely predatory.

Without this, you’re right, we would have had unlimited free energy by now, we wouldn’t have homelessness or starvation in the world, and we wouldn’t have cancer.

Horrible story… My father-in-law had prostate cancer, and when he went to visit one of his specialists, the very first question they asked him as if he had already paid for the visit. Not how was his day or how was he doing. If he had paid.

Anyway, sorry for starting to veer off-topic into political economy. It’s a topic that I’m very passionate about and I enjoy writing blog posts on this kind of stuff. But this isn’t the place for it, and if I go any deeper, I might trouble some. So I’ll shush now. :innocent:


It does work. You should have seen how bad it was before I started. When I go it’s not as bad. When I don’t go and the longer I don’t go it gets worse . I need to stretch more and work on my core.I’ve got a touch of psoriasis on my elbows and knees I’ve been fighting a long time. I need to see a dermatologist . But to see one I have to find a new primary I been slacking on finding one with being so busy. I only get a set number of visits a month I should be going to get a massage too. But I would rather get the adjustments then use too many extra visits on the deep tissue. I might just get it today. The adjustments help me more than u know. She said part of it is the repetitive motions. Some of its emotions or stress. The rest is muscles tightening back up. I suspect fibromyalgia or something part of it is probably my psoriasis attacks joints probably. I’ve had pain forever since 13. Your good no I get it. But this office has five stars only place around without horrible complaints and I’m glad u go. It makes a difference. She releases what I can’t release. Which is my bones that need to pop. It depends where u go completely. It also has to do with poor posture I’m sure. As I look down when I work. I look down to study I look down at most things. Totally bad for you lol

When I started going I had to put icy hot on and ice so many times a day. And I could not get comfortable sitting or standing it gets really bad when I’m not seeing someone. And I’m rather resilient so when I complain it’s bad lol


Very true. Ive watched interviews of emery smith talking about it. The people in charge are terrible. It’s all about what money they can make from us. They don’t care about us only the money flow.

There is so much more about to happen but I know some people don’t like the rest of what I could say on the topic so I won’t say it here.


That’s true that’s like inner work inner mother inner father realizing the only could give us what they knew. And that we are all one and to forgive them because they didn’t know and it will heal generations past and future.

What I mean about they is the people in charge of all of us that keep taking our money :money_mouth_face:

Ps. I’m sorry about situation with your grandpa unfortunately common decency isn’t as common sometimes. I’m sorry for that. That’s what I’m learning now is law and ethics and standard of care :kissing_heart:


I agree, and so are you :kissing_heart: :fire: :sparkling_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m so glad I found all of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Beside being lovely people enjoyable to connect with, I’ve learned so much how important energy really is, in everything. Intention and resonance, modes of being. And it’s all so intuitive, and powerful. And you know how it’s with power. Even if there’s an unlimited source of it available for everyone.

The best thing I can do for myself and the world I feel is to take in as much beautiful and inspiring energy, let it transform me, and radiate it outwards. Sometimes it means limiting some frequencies and patterns, if I’m feeling they’re getting to me at the time. Limiting doesn’t have to mean cutting it down to zero though. My dream is being able to take in any and all energy the world has to offer, and transforming it to healing and loving kind, in presence, words and action. I feel that’s the way the world can be healed, from the discordant mess of fear and confusion that looks back at you when you turn on the evening news.

I hope this resonates with you in the best way :kissing_heart: :sparkling_heart:


If everyone could face life like that, the world would already be a lovely place. I’m grateful to know you. You have a very calm peaceful aura to you that can soothe all the things. But I’m also glad you’re finding your way back to bringing the other side in too and creating more balance. You’re wonderful. We love you for being you. :people_hugging: :black_heart:


I’m thinking of turning my Hekate altar space into having Selene on one side of her and Nyx on the other. :thinking:

I know there are many epithets of Hekate that I could draw on the cover the night and the moon in their own ways. But I feel like these two are important enough to me in their own right. Like @Devenne experienced, I also felt drawn this way before the demons popped up.

If I ever dig up any more of my old poems and stories from when I was a child, I will share them, too. I loved the imagery with the night and full or new moon. :silver_heart: :black_heart:


Ummm I need one! Where did you get yours? It’s beautiful!


Mine’s from a local store.

But I’m sure you can find them over there. They’re really cheap on Temu. But there are also sites like… Let’s see…

Somewhere like those, maybe?


I have a hard time not being drawn to the triad Diana, Luna, and Hecate / The Triad of Artemis-Selene-Hecate. And then there’s Hekate’s connection to Persephone…

Artemis is my matron deity and always will be but there are callings, whispers, desires from the other 3 goddesses.


Sorry for all the posts, I’m just now reading through this thread and want to add!

I have had lumbar facet arthritis and have since I was in my mid30s (so we’re going on 20 ish years). For me it’s very stress related, Deep tissue massages help when things are bad but basically I came to the sobering realization that I will always have pain to some degree but I can do thing to mimimize it and change how I react to it. I have been doing a back stretching and strengthening routine every night. It’s about 16 minutes long and on nights when I think I’m too tired, I think do I want back pain or not?

After doing the 30 days of Yoga with Adriene, I became a firm believer of daily yoga. Doesn’t need to be an hour routine, 18-25 minutes works great for me.

Then I decided to try meditation. I’ve done guided relaxations with visualizations before but I found an app called Balance and they offer a free year’s subscription so I thought, what do I have to lose? I was glad to see they have a meditation program for pain. I’m on day 2 of the 10 day intro.

Basically what I’m saying is if you can be motivated, you can find effective, reliable ways to help yourelf with back pain. But I know that not everyone works the same way, and some people need external guidance and motivation (ie seeing a massage therapist, or a chiropractor on a weekly basis).

I know you didn’t ask for advice, let alone ask me for advice but I thought I’d share what I’m going through and how I’m managing.


I feel the same. Hekate is my matron deity, but there will always be Selene, Nyx, and… Persephone. :thinking: I honestly didn’t think Persephone would be so prevalent, but I have a tarot spread for her that I do and it’s such a wonderful reading to do.

So, yes, I have a Persephone statue on the way. :sweat_smile:

And I know the advice wasn’t directed at me (I think?), but I really appreciate it. I’ve already picked up the video series, but I haven’t tried this app. I might have to give it a go! :smile:

I’m sure it will be helpful for others visiting but not participating, too. That’s something to consider. There are many more people watching or who might even stumble here from an internet search, that could use the advice as well. :black_heart:


Have I seen this tarot spread? :thinking:
:laughing: I also got the SO to 3D print my Persephone stature. He did this one also in black. I dunno what I was hoping that he’d randomly decide to use different colored filament if I didn’t mention it? :laughing: At first I wasn’t 100% on board with the color, but I do like the satin shine of the filament so I’m willing to give this color time to see if it grows on me.

It’s always good to hear other people’s perspectives, stories and solutions. Sometimes you’ll find something that resonates with you or discover something new you’d never heard of that could help!


I feel it’s important to follow those callings :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And they probably keep calling you until you do :wink:

I’m happy that it works for you :hugs: :sparkling_heart:

Yoga really is versatile, it can help with so many things. For me weekly practice plus spontaneous asanas when they feel right work best right now. When it comes to external motivation, pain is not a bad one at all :smile: I’d have a difficult time sticking to a daily yoga routine, but if it meant the difference between pain or no pain, I’d probably find a way to do it.

Every time I meditate I’m glad that I did. I’m thankful how often meditation comes up here in discussion, it always reminds me that it’s something I could be doing.

I’m glad you did :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Maybe? I use all six of these questions but have modified the layout (and wording because “maidenhood” can come off a bit funny these days) a bit to be a little more unique as the same site has a few spreads with the exact same layout.

There’s another one by Tarot Pugs.

But I already have a Tower spread that covers this enough, I think.

If not, is it easy enough to paint? Black would affect that, but perhaps that in itself could give an interesting effect.

We have boxes of figurines for playing D&D and Pathfinder with that we have yet to paint. They’re all white, so we won’t get to experiment with this. But I have learnt through Warhammer 40K painting videos that a dark wash will make anything look good after the colours are done. :star_struck:



Way too sweet :birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday: these are the nicest things I’ve ever heard in my life :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: if u only knew :people_hugging:


This one called out to me :black_heart:

And then I felt called out by it :sweat_smile:
Here’s what I read into it…


1. Rage - Knight of Pentacles Reversed
What is the source of this destruction? Where is your anger? What is the motivation?

Hesitation and cautiousness taken to the extreme. So much contemplantion, so little action.

2. To Break - King of Cups Reversed
A thing, attitude, feeling or belief that no longer serves you.

Being overly dependent on emotions and swayed by them. Not doing things because of anxiety, fear or shame.

3. To Break - Eight of Wands Reversed
A thing, attitude, feeling or belief that no longer serves you.

Slowness to act, to plan and to communicate.

4. To Break - Two of Swords
A thing, attitude, feeling or belief that no longer serves you.

Indecision, difficulty picking between options.

5. Void - Page of Cups
What hole is now left? Where am I feeling empty? What does the emptiness feel like? Can I sit with it? What does it mean?

The easiness of not having to burden myself with choices, instead having them all available to me.
No consequences or responsibilities, only opportunities (that are not taken)

6. To Save - Four of Cups
Something that can be recovered or salvaged from the wreckage.

Dreaming and introspection. My calm emotional center.

7. To Uncover - The Lovers
Something that was previously unknown, that can be given space to bloom once the wreckage is cleared.

Connection to others through the decisions I make and the story I write for myself, both through similarities and differences.


Aww. It sounds perfect for you. :black_heart:

I love that Four of Cups came up under To Save. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: