Forum How-To šŸ’¬ Guides for Using the Forum!

This is amazing, @MeganB- what a great resource! :partying_face: You put a lot of time and effort into crafting the guides and I know they will be super helpful for members both current and future. Thanks so much for all of your amazing work! :sparkling_heart: :blush:


Weā€™ve had an uptick in new members so I just thought Iā€™d bump this for everyone to see :blush:


Amazing! I do have a question if you could tell me if it is within this Forum How-To- Guides for using the form:

Sometimes I forget if I had already posted a reply back to someone. Is there any way I can tell so I am not replying back to the same person more than once. Thank you, Megan. Blessed Be


I just saw this question, so I hope you donā€™t mind if I jump in here too! :blush:

I know it can be tricky to keep track of responses, especially in very long discussions like the challenges! To the best of my knowledge, the fastest way to check to see if you have already replied to someone is to use the Search Tool (the little magnifying glass :mag: on the top right of your screen) when you are in a discussion.

If you type in your username and then click ā€œ:mag_right: in this topicā€, you will get a list of all your posts and mentions within that discussion- you can quickly see who you already replied to, and anytime anyone mentioned you by name (aka who you might still need to reply to).

To keep things easy to find, you can always reply to multiple people within the same post- it will help you if you ever need to go back and see past conversations! There is a special guide called Replying to Multiple People with instructions about how to do this :grinning: :+1:

I hope that can help you!

Much love and many blessings :sparkles:


Thank you so much! Just when I thought things could not get any worseā€¦they did. So, I am trying to keep up to date with everything and everyone, taking short cuts when available. Next, I need to get a printer. I like to have hard copies so I can pin them to a board, or in a file.
Thank you again, Blessed Be.


Youā€™re very welcome, @Medea! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It sounds like, despite the challenges you are currently facing, you are making the most of situation and finding creative ways to keep moving forward. Good for you- I hope things continue onwards and upwards in positive ways for you :pray::two_hearts:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


HI! I know we have users that are new or more active than others or even just curious, so I am just bumping this post for anyone that may have questions about using the functions in the forum! :smiling_face:


Bumping! :revolving_hearts:

We have a lot of new faces around the forum ā€“ how exciting! :clap: :tada: For anyone thatā€™s struggling to learn the ropes or needs a tutorial, this is the post for you.

Let us know if you have any questions!


Iā€™m so glad that I came across this, I have been wondering about a couple of those :heart: :unicorn: :relieved: :sparkles:


Iā€™m glad I bumped it just in time! :heart:


But I still canā€™t figure out how to create a hyperlink to a spell :woman_facepalming:t2:


Thatā€™s it, I give up


To create a hyperlink, you need the URL.

For example, I can put the URL for your reply here.

and then the forum will turn it into a link like this.

ā†’ Forum How-To šŸ’¬ Guides for Using the Forum! - #23 by Nixi

Or I can use the forum coding thing (words are escaping me right now) to make it look the way you want.

[Here is my link](

and that turns into this!

ā†’ [Here is my link](


Test run
Https://forum. light/19894/23?u


Nope :woman_facepalming:t2: Uuugh


I quit Iā€™m putting the name of the spell I used for the challenge or by type I only used one as an outline


@Nixi Hi! I will send you a more detailed message if this is too confusingā€¦ Iā€™m currently on my phoneā€¦

Whenever you see the little chainā€¦ if you click on it (like for a topic or specific reply) it will give you the option to copy itā€¦

In the reply box theres a little chainā€¦ 4 over from the left.

Put the web address in the top box. Then what you it to say in the bottom box & hit okay.

Or in the top box type the name of the topic you are looking for & from the list click the one you want & it will prefill with the link for you.


It just took me 5 minutes to figure out what the bottle off water in my hand was and how to open it.
Iā€™ll have to just to write the name and it somebody had to fix it in sorry but my brain is not fully working yet