Honey has been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years, across cultures for more than its sweetness. In magickal traditions, honey has been used as a binding agent, a sweetener, and a powerful addition to magickal work!
Since the Full Moon is approaching, I thought it might be a nice idea to create a Full Moon Honey Manifestation Spell!
Honey in Folk Magick and Mythology
Honey has long been associated with abundance, love, and healing. Its creation – a meticulous process by hardworking bees – inspires respect and reverence. In folklore, honey is often linked to the divine and the natural world.
- In Greek mythology, honey is known as the “nectar of the Gods.” Bees were considered sacred to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and wilderness, and to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture.
- In Norse mythology, mead (made from honey) was a drink of wisdom and poetry, crafted by the Gods themselves.
- In Slavic traditions, honey cakes were offered to spirits as a way of ensuring their favor and protection.
Magickally, honey is used for its binding properties. Just as honey clings to everything it touches, it’s often included in spells for love, friendship, and community. It’s also an amplifier, sweetening the energy of your intention and making your spells more potent.
Basic Honey Spell 
The classic honey jar spell is perfect for attracting sweetness into your life. With this spell, we will use the power of the Full Moon combined with the attractive nature of honey to manifest our desires. Here are the instructions for a basic honey jar spell. Below, you will find a more detailed walkthrough of this spell.
- Write your intention on a small piece of paper. Be specific but concise (e.g., “Harmony in my family” or “A supportive work environment”).
- Fold the paper and place it inside a small with honey.
- As you seal the jar, reaffirm your manifestation with a spoken affirmation or chant.
- Place the jar on your altar or a safe, sacred space. Each time you want to reinforce the spell, give the jar a gentle stir.
Manifest with Honey on the Full Moon 
This spell is perfect for bringing your desires and manifestations to you. Commonly used to attract love and romance, the honey jar can be altered to fit whatever you need. In this case, we are attracting our manifestations rather than just love itself!
What You’ll Need:
- An empty jar
- Honey
- A piece of paper and a pen
- A white candle; alternatively, you can choose a candle that aligns with your intention
- Matches or a lighter
- A quiet space where you won’t be disturbed
- Get Ready: Find a calm, quiet place to work. Light your candle and take a few deep breaths. Visualize what you want to invite into your life. See it as if you are there and you have it in this moment. If you struggle with visualization, you might find this post on Aphantasia helpful.
- Prepare Your Intention: On the piece of paper, write your desires. Be as specific and concise as you can, remembering to write in the present tense. You can phrase this with a few simple words, longer sentences, or simple phrases of positive energy.
- Add the Paper to the Honey: Fold the paper towards you (drawing the energy in) and carefully place it into the jar. Then, drizzle some honey onto the paper in the jar. Use as much or as little as you’d like. There is no need to completely submerge the paper in honey. As you do this, consider saying an affirmation or chant that aligns with your intention.
- Seal the Energy: Close the jar tightly and hold it in your hands. Visualize your intention being absorbed into the honey, filling it with your energy. Place the jar near the candle and let the candle burn for a while as you meditate on your desired outcome.
- Activate as Needed: Stir the jar gently whenever you feel the need to boost the spell’s power.
Honoring the Bees 
As we work with honey in magick, let’s also remember to honor the bees who make it possible. Consider supporting local beekeepers, planting bee-friendly flowers, or learning how to protect these vital pollinators. A simple prayer and offering of gratitude can deepen your connection to the magickal energies you’re working with.