Full Moon Rituals - Things To Do

Thanks for the help @BryWisteria :blush: :revolving_hearts:


We went for a lovely late night walk last night, under the light of the full moon. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The website shows half of Australia as technically within range of seeing something, but the video shows the eclipse is quite over before it (and night time) even hit the coast here. :laughing:


Oh well. Maybe weā€™ll get another one down under sometime.

I suppose thatā€™s one good thing about us entirely missing the eclipse over here, though! :laughing:


full moon and lunar eclipseā€¦amazing
I started a fire spell to burn obstacles [destructive ok]
and I finished it Monday 10 in the morningā€¦I did it in threeā€¦thatā€™s how it came out of meā€¦if the obstacles donā€™t dieā€¦the roads donā€™t openā€¦Monday I felt sickā€¦I knewā€¦it was the eclipseā€¦


Iā€™m a bit late to this question, especially since the eclipse passed, but I personally donā€™t have an issue with working magic during an eclipse. The energy can be different, but Iā€™ve never had an issue with the energy of an eclipse feeling chaotic or worse because of the eclipse :woman_shrugging:


I did not do to much for the eclipse the energy was somewhat chaotic. I was making reservations and man it felt like a Mercury Retrograde all communication fails from not getting emails to no reservations found nor paid?! But any ways I did do an orcale spread which the message was beautiful, I tried the Eclipse Ritual from Spells8 along with the Shadow Work Journaling and it was really nice!! Gave me space (energetically speaking :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) Yesterday I did a cleansing bath then the Full Worm Moon Spell from Spells8, wrote my gratitude list and did a water spell that uses the Moonā€™s relationship with water to amplify my New Moon Intentions that have not yet come through. I take my new moon intention list and put it in a jar with water (I use the remainder of full moon water from previous full moon and clear quartz, amethyst, and citrine crystals) and put the jar under the moon light. Oh yeah and made some more moon water too. FYI the water usually turns blue and washes the words off the paper. At this point I remove the paper and let it dry enough to burn then throw the ashes and water away outside to all the universe to bring my intentions into fruitation. Tonight for the lastnight of the full moon (I am a 3 night offender :ok_woman:t4:) I did my ancestor offering, then sat with Magu for a bitā€¦

Bonus pointsā€¦ I got a power up after the eclipseā€¦ :sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles:


I decided to tie up a lot of loose ends during this changing moon phase.
I finished up a big project before the full moon.
I reviewed all my old spells from the last 2 months and decided which ones will need redoing or reworking.
I researched and made notes on lessons to be learned from my spirit animal.
I gathered my crystals and jewelry to be cleansed and charged after the eclipse was over.
I made a new wand.
Now the dishes are piling up! The dust bunnies need chasing!


Exactly ā€” at the end of the day itā€™s personal choice.

And sometimes I do charge crystals and sometimes I donā€™tā€¦it really has to ā€œfeelā€ right to me to do soā€¦some months I do nothing because I just donā€™t want to. :laughing: :rofl:

I think it all comes down toā€¦ How do YOU feel about it?

Listen to your intuition. Stop asking permission to do this or that and trust the power you have right inside you. :heart_eyes:

Many blessings to all.