Penumbral eclipse begins at 4:53 UTC on March 25, 2024. That is 11:53 p.m. CDT on March 24 in North America.
Greatest eclipse is at 7:12 UTC on March 25 (2:12 a.m. CDT) with a penumbral magnitude of 0.9577. In other words, at greatest eclipse, nearly all of the moon will be inside the Earth’s outer penumbral shadow. The moon will never go into Earth’s darker umbral shadow. So it will never seem as if a dark bite has been taken out of the moon. Instead, it’ll be a subtle darkened shading on the moon, which, at mid-eclipse, will cover almost the entire moon.
Penumbral eclipse ends at 9:33 UTC on March 25 (4:33 a.m. CDT).
Duration of eclipse: This is a deep penumbral lunar eclipse with a duration of 279.9 minutes.
Lunar eclipses can be visible from everywhere on the night side of the Earth, if the sky is clear. From some places the entire eclipse will be visible, while in other areas the Moon will rise or set during the eclipse.
12:51am on March 25th was early this morning and already passed. I might be understanding this all wrong…if so I’m sorry. (time zones are confusing for me)
Don’t mind just sliding in here to answer the emoji question - when an emoji is on a line by itself, it appears larger.
This works for up to three emojis.
Oops too late to not take your advice on the not charging crystals. I charged 4 crystals last night still part of the full moon and the eclipse. It was also raining! Anything I should look out for? Consider?