Full Moon Rituals

Hello sweet Coven…

I have been a little quiet I know… Apologies… Mom has left and things are returning to normal.

This year I am going to be focusing a lot on Wicca and all the awesome things that go along with it…

So I see that in the Northern Hemisphere the next moon is the Wolf Moon… And now for the life of me I cannot find any reference on the Spells 8 website as to what moon it is going to be in the Southern Hemisphere. Please help?


Hello @yolande1!

No need to apologize, we all have our lives and understand when things get busy! :blush: I know you had been having a great time with your mom from your past posts, I hope the two of you continued to have a blast together and that the holidays all went well! :heart:

It looks like moon names in the Southern Hemisphere work generally in the same way as the Sabbats- that is, that they are exactly opposite to the ones in the Northern Hemisphere. So for the Wolf Moon of January in the North, the South would have the Full Buck Moon :deer:

Here’s a Buck Moon Ritual if you’re interested!

Full Buck Moon Ritual

I wanted to make sure, so I double-checked- it looks like Learn Religions has a great article about the full moons in the Southern Hemisphere! Here is a link if you’d like to check it out:

Moon Phase Names in the Southern Hemisphere

Wishing you a blessed Full Moon! :full_moon_with_face: :sparkles:


Thank you so much… Appreciate it


It’s my pleasure, @yolande1- I’m happy if I could help! :blush:

Wishing you a Blessed Full Moon! :full_moon_with_face: :sparkles:


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