Getting Rid of Unwanted Spirits

Good afternoon, everyone. :smile:

I was browsing my books, looking for rituals to share with a friend, and I stumbled upon this. Something in my gut is compelling me to share it with you all, so here it is. May it find some use for those who need it. :black_heart:

The following is from Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon by Kate Freuler. (Amazon)

Getting Rid of Unwanted Spirits

Almost everyone has had at least one experience with ghosts or restless spirits. Typically, they’re harmless, but sometimes they can take frightening forms that interfere with your daily life. Occasionally a presence can be felt that leaves you cold and filled with dread. They might even be able to move things about the home (such as shutting doors), flicker the lights, or make unexplained sounds. People can live quite happily alongside ghosts of the gentle variety; however, when you get a malevolent one, it can wreak havoc on your peace of mind.

Where does a ghost come from? My theory is that when a person experiences extremely strong emotion in a place, either from trauma, sickness, or another powerful event, they emit such a strong energy that even after they pass away, that emotion lives on in that location like an energetic stain. Whether this is due to a wish to be acknowledged or just because their will was very strong, you can feel it. Some people take a very literal approach to ghosts, believing that they are the actual soul of the person walking invisibly around a place, either reenacting their demise or expressing unhappiness with the current inhabitants. There are varying levels of awareness to spirits and ghosts, and everyone is different. Just as some people are very sensitive to lights or sounds, some people are receptive to spirit activity or energies from other beings.

We can all agree, however, that a malevolent ghost in the home can be disruptive to you, your family, and animals and needs to be removed. Here is a simple ritual to cleanse your home of unwanted spirits, ghosts, or malevolent forms. I suggest also doing a physical cleaning of the house first. Dust everything, throw out or donate any clutter, vacuum the floors, scrub the bathrooms, and wash the windows. As you do this, you’re stating to the physical plane that you are cleansing the area.

This ritual is an aggressive cleansing, and the incense smoke involved will not smell very nice. That’s why it needs to be done in weather when you can open all your doors and windows.

This ritual is designed in such a way as to ward off a spirit who is disruptive and mean, hence the commanding language. Like a stubborn person causing loud trouble, this kind of spirit needs to be told clearly to leave. However, if you sense the spirit in your house is sad or perhaps would be more likely to respond to gentler words, you can rephrase it however you wish.

This ritual is also good for cleansing the house in general after a big change or shift in your life.


  • Loud bell
  • Lighter or matches
  • Charcoal disk
  • Heatproof dish
  • Dried garlic mixed with bay leaves
  • Spritz bottle filled with lemon juice or brewed sage water. Mix the juice of
    1 lemon with enough water to fill the bottle, or boil a handful of sage in water, strain it after it cools, and fill the bottle with it.
  • Witch’s salt

Open all your windows and doors as wide as they’ll go. Make sure all closets and cupboards are open, even in the kitchen and bathrooms. Start at the uppermost part of your home if more than one story, in the easternmost room. Stand in the center of the room and ring the bell loudly. Notice how the sound vibrates in your ears for some time. Imagine that you can see the sound reverberating outward like a ripple in a pond, disrupting the air and energy in the room in a circle shape. This loud noise is meant to shake up the energy in the room, leaving clean white light in its wake. After the sound of the bell dies out, recite:

All unwanted beings must exit this space.
You are not welcome here.
I drive you out with light.
Move on and don’t return.

You may have to ring the bell a few times in rooms that feel especially oppressive. Move around your home clockwise, ringing the bell in each room and stating your intention. Don’t forget stairways or hallways. Do each level of your house, starting in the eastern room of each floor, including the cellar.

Return to the room you started in. Light your charcoal disk, place it on the heatproof dish, and set some of the garlic and bay leaves on it. Walk clockwise around the room with the smoke, being sure to waft it into every corner, inside each closet and inside cupboards. A fan is helpful for this, or you can blow the smoke with your own breath. As you walk the perimeter of the room, this smoke is now cleaning the energy that was loosened by the bell. As the smoke permeates every corner, nook, and cranny, imagine you are fumigating the area. See the negative energy running away, fleeing from the smoke like scared insects. Repeat this in each room in the same order as before. Take your time and visualize everything patiently. If a room doesn’t feel cleansed, you need to burn more incense in there until it feels right.

Now begin again, this time making the rounds of your rooms with the spritz bottle of sage or lemon water. As you spray this around, see clouds of peace filling up every corner of every room.

When you are done, sprinkle witch’s salt in all your windowsills and doorways that lead outside, visualizing the barrier it creates between your now cleansed, blessed home and outside energy, sealing the ghost out.


Fabulous. Love it. Will probably be using this alot when I start my training. Bookmarked Can you link it to Devennes dark magic post too, so we can find it there please. I think I need to buy this book.

I have read that when dealing with unwanted entities of all kinds including others Hecate is the goddess to ask for help. :person_shrugging::sparkling_heart:


Hekate is a crossroads deity/spirit, which makes her great for this. But so are basically any crossroads spirit. I assume yours would be as well.

There are demons who would be great for it, too.


Yes the Baron is good, but maybe not many would want to ask him :person_shrugging:. Eurynomous, maybe Murmur. Might be good to do a little feature on the beauties. Just musing. :joy:


Ooh, I like that idea. :black_heart:


I can add a little piece on Baron and maybe Eurynomous. I know nothing about the ladies :person_shrugging: :grin:


I can cover them. :black_heart:


If a bell can be used to summon spirits, it makes sense that it can also be used to dismiss them! Bells sure are handy magickal tools :bell: :grinning: :sparkles:

I’ve been thinking about salt blends a lot lately - I’m taking this as another friendly push that it’s something to spend more time with! :salt: :blush:

Thank you very much for sharing this handy spell, @starborn - I appreciate it! :pray: :heart:


my sisters look what is happening
since I started the journey with magic something has stayed at home…
it doesn’t bother, it doesn’t bother…
sometimes you come when i lie down
it’s like a frozen hand like snow starting from the feet and caressing the whole body
I told him last time
I’m getting cold!
decide to warm up because you’re leaving!
and what do you imagine?
you come like a warm hand now…
ok…sometime I told my partner…
he said…I don’t like this…what can I do to you?
I told him… an elemental fell in love with me… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


@AIRAM He sounds like a nice spirit, it listens to you.

This is too funny. My hubby, would be packing our bags and booking a hotel :rofl:


hahahaha! I told my husband don’t make me sad…he will throw you out of the house! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
he looks at me strangely! :rofl: