Welcome @Gingermynx I’m Siofra from Cape Cod & also a moderator here in the forum. I hope you don’t mind but I added a trigger warning & blurred possible triggering content so the others can choose whether they can read those parts. Also, you can certainly add your request to the Energy Exchange Circle May 2022 for healing, positive, love, light, &/or energy from the other members of the coven for a period of time until you wish to be removed from the Energy Exchange.
I am a very intuitive empath & eclectic witch. I follow a path that leans more towards Celtic Paganism/Druidry. I am taking accredited courses to become a certified crystal healer & advanced practitioner. I am currently reading books regarding chakras because that is a part of crystal healing & I would like to understand them more before I start working with them on myself or other people (which would be like family & friends, I can’t imagine doing something I’m this passionate about for money. I’d rather help the people in my life not make them paying customers… I’m different
I actually have the book listed in the Spells8 Book Club XVII (Apr 29 - May 27) & I will be entering my review either later tonight or tomorrow. I am now onto my 2nd book regarding the 7 main chakras plus hand chakras.
I also follow astrology , the moon
, meditation
, tarot, oracle cards, & runes, I work with the Morrigan
& Brighid
, both have Triple Goddess aspects to them of the
Celtic Pantheon.
What else, I am learning how to release & work with my energy. I have a focus on grounding/centering. (I have found that gardening or working in my yard with the soil releases energy that no longer serves me or negative energy or chaotic energy the best for me.)
I make my own incense when I can & use essential oils & carrier oils/anointing oilsf with candle magic, jar spells, releasing rituals, or just to diffuse throughout my home. I like to make simmer pots too & use Florida Water or Florida Water blends, so some kitchen & green witch aspects with the apothecary I have that is ever-growing.
I work with the elements in my own kind of way but they are there & recently found out that my methods are more of what would be defined as chaos magic… I kind of use written spells as guidelines & do my own thing based on my own feelings/intuition & intentions. I like to make up pouches & carry or wear crystals. (I mostly work with Earth, Fire, & Water. I’m kind of adding them in one at a time as I realize their importance)
I have made pouches for my daughter, now she makes her own & has her own crystal collection, herbs, candles , incense, cauldron… her first setup is all hand-me-downs from me. Even her 1st altar cloth was my first altar cloth. So now I obviously have to keep it & use it for special occasions.
I seem to be in the rambling phase of the month, so I will end it here. I look forward to learning with you more throughout your time here!