Good move towards fire safety

Hi all,
i just wanted to remind everyone the importance of fire safety as a witch. As i use multiple candles daily (as most of us do), i decided i would get my fire extinguisher and fire
blanket out and put it close by.
Now this may sound extreme, however so are fires and i have seen how something can light up so fast before i go to run to get something its almost too late (lucky when my kids threw the ‘flammable’ mermaid doll on a candle years back in my room, i was smart to knock it down and start stomping, close call) :cold_sweat:
I know i have read here before by @BryWisteria about fire safety but thought i would remind everyone as its not joke and i wouldn’t want our precious unique practices endangering our even more precious lives when it could be prevented, so stay safe and ask yourself, “if a fire starts can i stop it quickly”? If the answer is no then i suggest to ‘invest’ in some fire precautions and count it part of your practice items too.
Love yal’ and say safe x :heartpulse:


What a great idea. I will definately be making my own plan. Thank you for thinking and for looking out for everyone hun.


Fire safety :fire: is always a good reminder. Thank you for thinking of the coven! :heart:


A fire blanket sounds like a neat thing to have. I have an extinguisher but not a blanket. Thank you for thinking of all of us :rose: :rose:


Thank you so much for sharing this post. I often get off work very late so my candle rituals and meditations often come in the night early in the morning. One night I was so tired I ended up falling asleep while meditating I had all my candles lit crystals in position etc etc when I woke up several hours later my candles have burned down I thank God nothing had been caught on fire the universe was definitely looking out for me in the middle of my foolishness so indeed my fellow witches take much for caution concerning fire safety


ooh thanks for the reminder. I am putting fire extinguisher on the list because now that I think about it, oh, well, better not go into it, but yes, the need is real :slight_smile: :fire: :fire: :fire:


I don’t think it’s extreme at all- it is so much better to be safe than sorry. I keep thinking of the fires in parts of the US (and around the world- there were a lot :cry:) last year. I highly doubt the family celebrating their new baby meant to set off a forest fire- all it takes is one lapse in judgment or mistake and the consequences are extreme :fearful:

Fire is a sacred tool and a very big part of many our practices- fire needs and deserves to be treated with the utmost of care and respect.

Having fire blankets, fire extinguishers, and working fire alarms are all great safety measures. At the bare minimum, only light candles in their own spaces (no curtains, fabric, low shelves, or dry materials close by) and have a special plate or candle holder for them to burn out, preventing sparks from spreading :fire:

Thanks so much for this important safety reminder and for looking out for everyone, Khadija! :sparkling_heart:


Your welcome @jessica72 @Sarafeena_Sage , and always happy to remind our lovely witches here at Spells8 about fire safety @MeganB .


Any thing hot is always a hazard. I tend to like to keep my candles lit but there is always that voice in my head saying “if u go out of the room for longer than needed turn it off its not worth a house fire”. Any who i am sure my deities would rather i turn the candles off i lit for them then set a full house fire! Talking of burning, i just the day being fully conscious but busy got my incense caught on my Ooddie (blanket oversized jumper), and burnt it slightly… It always unpredictable fires and can be prevented :blush:


No worries! I too have had a few little mishaps such as candle wax spilling and not using proper candle holders in the beginning of my journey and learnt from the couple burnt holes on my altar. Prevention like most things is the key to fire safety :heartpulse:


Thank you for the reminder - I think I will put a fire extinguisher on my Amazon list!