Good price

I’m trying to buy Moldavite anyone know of a good price and a good gem source where I can find the real deal?


Moldavite is crazy expensive


Yea just a small piece of it 82.50 usd full price I could buy it with a 20% off coupon at my witch store I go to


The sites I usually go to are sold out. They say the only place to get it is from a meteor crater in Czechoslovakia. If that location has run out, good luck.


Not too bad a price for the journeys it will take you on. :silver_heart:



I seen the necklace they had cost 600 but it was a very huge piece


Here ya go. From Amazon. 8.99


I think that’s just glass made to look like it. :slightly_frowning_face:


I dunno, I got a small piece of moldavite from there.


I do! This guy is a great and honest seller with fair prices. I have bought from him. I also plan on buying his moldavite. I have his prophecy stones. There’s some more pieces I want from him including moldavite.:rainbow: He is also very caring and thorough. Pieces are very quality pieces.


The thing with moldavite is that it’s going to be very limited in supply because of what it is. I’m sure you already know this, but moldavite comes from a meteorite impact. With this, the amount of moldavite on the planet is already limited because this particular silica glass was created over 14 million years ago. It’s also usually found in a limited area, as quoted on this website.

Over the millions of years that have passed since the impact event which formed moldavite, much of the material has been eroded away, and much has been buried. As a result, moldavite is only found today in small areas of the original strewn field.

Moldavite - A green gem material formed by an asteroid impact.

The same website has information on how to tell if your moldavite is fake or imitation, which is important to know if you’re using moldavite for its spiritual properties.

Be careful when buying moldavite. If you are offered a faceted moldavite over two carats or any moldavite without eye-visible bubbles, there is a good chance that it is fake.

Most specimens of genuine moldavite contain trapped gas bubbles and flow structures that are visible under a magnification of 10x and often with the unaided eye. The gas bubbles are sometimes round, but more often they are elongate, stretched by the stress under which the glass cooled. The glass also contains flow structures of similar origin.

Anyway, all that to say that genuine moldavite will be pricey, no matter where you look!


In my Llewellyn 2023 guide to magic there’s a chapter in there that reminds us, that in the days before we could get all these wonderful things from all over the world, witches would just use local rocks, shells and stone. So here in England, instead of crystals like obsidian for example, they would find a hagstone from the beach and imbue that with protection spells etc and stick a leather or string cord and wear it. We can achieve everything with our Magick, with everything nature has given us, right on our doorstep. I’ll share the book here, it’s cheap on kindle as it’s end of year now.


I love this approach. It makes it so much more… personal? Like, we went on the adventure ourselves and came across something that calls to us. :black_heart: