Good Witchy Apps (2024)

(Continuing the discussion from Good Witchy Apps)

Oh can we update this topic? Some apps are dated and some are just not that good. Would love to have an updated most popular, and best go-to witchy apps. :blush:


Absolutely, @Nacurro! :blush:

You’re right, the previous collection of recommendations was from a few years ago and goodness knows that things change quickly - some apps come and go like the wind!

Anyone who has a current favorite witchy app (that is still working/active) that they’d like to share, please feel free to share it here in this new space here! :handshake:


I like Rock Identifier, Crystal guru and time passages in addition to those mentioned. PlantNet is also pretty good.


Another vote for Time Passages from me :+1: It’s the only astrology app I’ll recommend anymore lol


I also love rock identifier! We love going out rock hunting and I use it all the time!


@Cattleya and @MeganB I love time passages too.

I also like insight timer for meditation.

@tracyS just got me into the Valhalla App


This is a good app, too! The variety of meditations there are wonderful - and I’m not just saying that as someone who has meditations on the app :joy:


Oooh I didn’t know you had them there. I will check them out. You’re amazing !!!


I believe @SilverBear also has meditations on the app! You’d be surprised who you can find there :laughing:


I have a slew of apps that I use, some more than others. I am an Android user so I can’t speak to whether these are available on Apple or a comparable app.

Top row, L → R:

Phases of the Moon: Simple moon phase app that lets you set moon even alerts (helps me remember the full and new moons!), provides you the rise and set times of the day’s moon, it’s current age and sign, and distance/illumination.

Galaxy Tarot: Great free tarot app. It has a daily card feature that I love. The “Explore Card” section is TONS of information: the Rider-Waite tarot image, keywords and interpretation for both upright and reversals, an affirmation, “This card may indicate…” list of potential meanings, personality traits, aligned actions, associations, and a space for personal card notes. With the daily card, you also get an added section that details what that card means for the day. You can do virtual readings that cover a variety of topics, keep a tarot journal, and explore their “Encyclopedia”, which goes into details about everything tarot.

Rock Identifier: Everyone’s favorite rock/stone/crystal ID’er. Don’t let the “pay to use” fool you, I just ignore it and have been using it for several years. Love the ability to have my collection stored within the app. You take a picture of the stone in question and it will match it with up to 3 options. You can even “rename” it if it doesn’t match correctly. The app provides a ton of information on the stones, from akas and formulas, to health risks and healing properties.

Second row, L → R:

Golden Thread Tarot: Note: this app is built for an older version of Android and may not work properly. I have not had issues with it though. Another neat tarot app. I don’t use this one as often as Galaxy but will come in for the tarot card meanings when in a hurry as it gives a concise description of the cards with 3 keywords.

Essential Oils & More: My go-to encyclopedia of EOs. It has all of the “big” essential oils in the app and provides maybe too much information, lol. It discusses the EO’s fragrance, uses, benefits, how to use it, and any necessary cautions (including if it’s safe for use with children). You can also search based on a health issue and it will provide oils and blends with suggested protocols.

Moonly: Probably my absolutely favorite “witchy” app! The developers combine astrology and psychology as well as esoteric practices like the Vedas, Tarot, and Runes. Each day when you open it, the calendar provides tons of information. You get the moon phase, moon sign (including what it means and how to harness it), daily activities (both general and personal if you add your birth chart), the Nakshatra, Planet associated with the day, the Vedic moon day, and daily recommended readings and meditations. There are also daily affirmations, and Tarot/Rune digital readings.

Third row, L → R:

Crystals Gemstones/ Crystal Light: A neat little app that provides great information on many crystals. You can search by name or by use. It includes crystal grids, sound frequency cleaning, crystal spells, and crystals best suited to you based on your name and birth date.

Chakra Meditations: Very basic app that plays meditation music for each chakra. It gives you the hand position and you can adjust the length up to 60 minutes.

TimePassages: An astrology app that gives it all! You get the moon phase information, the day’s chart, where the sun/moon are at, and if there is any void of course or other astrological events happening. You can add your own birth chart to get more detailed information, and even add charts for compatibility (limited number unless you upgrade). Also has a great section to learn more about astrology.

Bottom row, L → R:

Dream Dictionary: Has so many symbols listed. You can find not only objects but themes as well (abandonment, gambling, etc.). It provides meanings based on multiple sources (Miller, Hasse, Freud, Nostradamus, “Common”). Has a dream journal built in as well as sounds to help you relax and sleep. It also has a dream calendar, which provides context related to what day of the month the dream happens (for example, it is believed that dreams that happen on the 1st of the month are prophetic).

Spells8: Can’t forget the Spells8 app! I love being able to access everything Spells8 on the go with my phone.


What a great collection! Thank you for sharing your favorite apps, Amaris :pray: :heart:

Awww thank you! :hugs: :two_hearts:


Hello. This is my first post ever here. Merry Meet everyone.
My go to apps right now are
Goddess. (I just found it and it has changed my life).
Gabby - Gabby Bersteins app. Incredible
Using essential oils safely - website. Mind blowing.
And of course spells8! Loving it!


Welcome to the group @KylaD ! It’s great to have you with us! If you ever have questions about anything don’t hesitate to ask. Someone will be able to help you!

Blessings :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Merry meet @KylaD!

I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying Spells8 - it sounds like you’ve found a collection of helpful apps in your practice! Thank you for sharing them with us :heart:

Blessed be!


Merry meet @KylaD and welcome!

My name is Kat, and I’ve been practicing the craft for over 30 years. My practice is rooted in a blend of nature magick, green magick, and elements of hedgecraft. I work closely with the natural world, drawing inspiration from plant spirits, animal spirits, and liminal spaces. My interests include herbalism and gardening, as well as divinatory practices like tarot, throwing bones and Lenormand.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :acorn: :crescent_moon: :deer:


For the one that work with herbalism and outdoor wild plants . “Picture this plant-identifyer” is real good it give you the uses and lets you save copy’s of your notes on there. Plus al you do is take the picture. I think you would like this @Artemisia


Merry Meet! So glad that you said hi. We are so happy to have you! I am Celine, an eclectic witch from Portland, OR.


Ooooh thank you! I am always trying to figure out the plants and flowers I find when I’m out running. Thank you, I just downloaded it :smiling_face: :herb:


Welcome and for the price you can’t beat it @Artemisia