Grimoire set up advice

Hello all, I really want to start a grimoire but have no idea where to start with the different topics etc. I feel totally overwhelmed. Can you give me a good starting point please as a newbie.

Thankyou in advance


I started doing my own but I am on the way to making a binder one. Here is a lesson on how to get started.

Difference between BoS and Grimoire

Forum Post for Best method for a Book of Shadows

Book of Shadows or Grimoire Forum Post


Hello Kelly! :wave:

Starting a grimoire or Book of Shadows can definitely be an overwhelming task if you’re looking at the big picture. My advice is to start with what you know or what you’re interested in! A lot of my personal Grimoire is information about divination, deities, and some spellwork and correspondences. I don’t have a lot of information in it right now because it all tends to be in my head already :sweat_smile: Plus, my grimoire is digital! It’s all kept in my Google Drive so I can access it whenever I want or need to. This also makes it easier for me to add information to it when necessary or even take information out.

Here are some other links, posts, articles, and videos that might help you out :blush:

Start a Book of Shadows: Spells, Pages & Ideas to Complete your Witch Journey – Spells8

Blessing Your Book of Shadows Step-By-Step Ritual – Spells8

Lunar Witch Guide & Grimoire: Magic Spells and PDF Book – Spells8

We even have a Book of Shadows divider page section on Spells8 that might give you some ideas for sections to include in your Book of Shadows!

Book of Spells Divider Pages – Spells8

I also have two different videos on my channel that might be helpful for you!

What's in a Grimoire? 📚 Your Magickal Books PLUS Tips and Tricks! [CC] - YouTube

The Grimoire Journal by Paige Vanderbeck aka The Fat Feminist Witch || Book Review - YouTube


Hello @kelly38!

Congrats on getting started with your Grimoire- that is really exciting! :grinning: I see Heav3n and Megan both shared some wonderful ideas and resources with you- there is a lot of great advice and ideas there!

I’d like to second what Megan mentioned about going digital- I also keep a digital Book and it really takes the pressure off when it comes to organizing. Anytime I want to switch around categories, move things, write more, delete sections, etc- all it takes is a click of the mouse. For me, that makes it really easy and significantly less stressful to keep things organized (and re-organize!) whenever and however I want.

A digital Book isn’t the right choice for everyone, but I’d suggest giving it a try to see if it works for you! :blush: :open_book:

Good luck and blessed be :heart:


Thankyou so much ladies, really excited to start. Think im going to go down the binder route for now and see if that works for me :slight_smile:


You’re very welcome! :heart: I hope the binder route works well for you!


Your welcome, I hope the binder route works for you as well. I am pateintly waiting on mines to get here in the mail this week. I can’t wait to share it with you guys.

Here is a shop that was posted in the forum long ago if you want to check them out. I looked on Amazon and could not find anything I liked and that is a first. It is called Zazzle.


I’m excited for you too! :grin: Good luck and happy crafting your sacred book- may it serve you well! :open_book: :two_hearts:


Here is my 2 cents… :slight_smile: Older video but still works hehe


I like your how you decorated your book of shadows. I am inspired!


I have now decorated the front of my binder, thanks @SilverBear. I may leave it there but I may add to it. Time will tell.

Right now with my grimoire I have lined paper and separators with tabs for each sabbat and es at and for spells, herbs, crystals, symbols, casting circles, sigils, cleansing, divination, oils and creams. I like the binder, lined paper and the separators as I can add, modify, work with it. Once I have a enough for a book on its own I will likely get nice paper and set things down ´officially’. I like starting with the flexibility though like it is a work in progress - like life :slightly_smiling_face:.

I do like the fact that I painted the front though. Makes it feel a bit more special. I still need to finish the front but for now this works!


Awesome!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looks very nice you have been busy, mines did not come today as they said it would so I hope tmrw but I did print out a few pages and made my Index. I shared it in another post.


I have done mine in 2 ways.

First, i have a leather bound book with numbered pages. It contains:
The rede
Symbols and their meaning
Colour and number correspondences
Planetary correspondences
Deity info and correspondences
Prayers to deities
Casting my circle
Moon phases and their correspondences
New moon rituals
Full moon rituals
Medicinal and magical use of plants/oils

This ongoing and i just add headings to my “index” at the back along with the page it can be found on.

My second is a 12 x 12 inch scrapbook. This is more a relfection of things i have done e.g i made a yule page and added photos of my altar, a record of the ritual i used, even a small branch yule tree. It also contains “pop up” altars to my deities containing their image, associated items and animals, even a mini jar of essential oil as an offering.

The great thing is you can do it how you want. You can let gour creativity flow and do what feels eight for you. Good luck with the creation of you BoS and enjoy the satisfaction that goes along with seeing it come together.

Blessed be



Thankyou for the comments. Love the pics/ video so inspiring and motivating to make me get started :slight_smile:


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